Manifolds with strong harmonic boundaries but without Green's functions of clamped bodies
The main result of this paper is the following: if a compact subset E of is UPC in the direction of a vector then E has the Markov property in the direction of v. We present a method which permits us to generalize as well as to improve an earlier result of Pawłucki and Pleśniak [PP1].
Consider the normed space of all polynomials of N complex variables, where || || a norm is such that the mapping is continuous, with g being a fixed polynomial. It is shown that the Markov type inequality , j = 1,...,N, , with positive constants M and m is equivalent to the inequality , , with some positive constants M’ and m’. A similar equivalence result is obtained for derivatives of a fixed order k ≥ 2, which can be more specifically formulated in the language of normed algebras. In...
In this paper, we study the Martin boundary associated with a harmonic structure given by a coupled partial differential equations system. We give an integral representation for non negative harmonic functions of this structure. In particular, we obtain such results for biharmonic functions (i.e. ) and for non negative solutions of the equation .
In this paper we treat noncoercive operators on simply connected homogeneous manifolds of negative curvature.
We study two known theorems regarding Hermitian matrices: Bellman's principle and Hadamard's theorem. Then we apply them to problems for the complex Monge-Ampère operator. We use Bellman's principle and the theory for plurisubharmonic functions of finite energy to prove a version of subadditivity for the complex Monge-Ampère operator. Then we show how Hadamard's theorem can be extended to polyradial plurisubharmonic functions.
Soit un compact polynomialement convexe de et son “potentiel logarithmique extrémal” dans . Supposons que est régulier (i.e. continue) et soit une fonction holomorphe sur un voisinage de . On construit alors une suite de polynôme de variables complexes avec deg pour , telle que l’erreur d’approximation soit contrôlée de façon assez précise en fonction du “pseudorayon de convergence” de par rapport à et du degré de convergence . Ce résultat est ensuite utilisé pour étendre...
We study minimal thinness in the half-space for a large class of subordinate Brownian motions. We show that the same test for the minimal thinness of a subset of below the graph of a nonnegative Lipschitz function is valid for all processes in the considered class. In the classical case of Brownian motion this test was proved by Burdzy.