Endlichkeit der differenzierbaren de Rham-Kohomologie.
Let be a complex manifold, a generic submanifold of , the real underlying manifold to . Let be an open subset of with analytic, a complexification of . We first recall the notion of -tuboid of and of and then give a relation between; we then give the corresponding result in terms of microfunctions at the boundary. We relate the regularity at the boundary for to the extendability of functions on to -tuboids of . Next, if has complex dimension 2, we give results on extension...
Let T ∈ L(E)ⁿ be a commuting tuple of bounded linear operators on a complex Banach space E and let be the non-essential spectrum of T. We show that, for each connected component M of the manifold of all smooth points of , there is a number p ∈ 0, ..., n such that, for each point z ∈ M, the dimensions of the cohomology groups grow at least like the sequence with d = dim M.