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On the CR-structure of certain linear group orbits in infinite dimensions

Wilhelm Kaup (2004)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

For large classes of complex Banach spaces (mainly operator spaces) we consider orbits of finite rank elements under the group of linear isometries. These are (in general) real-analytic submanifolds of infinite dimension but of finite CR-codimension. We compute the polynomial convex hull of such orbits  M explicitly and show as main result that every continuous CR-function on  M has a unique extension to the polynomial convex hull which is holomorphic in a certain sense. This generalizes to infinite...

On the invertibility of isometric semigroup representations

C. Batty, D. Greenfield (1994)

Studia Mathematica

Let T be a representation of a suitable abelian semigroup S by isometries on a Banach space. We study the spectral conditions which will imply that T(s) is invertible for each s in S. On the way we analyse the relationship between the spectrum of T, Sp(T,S), and its unitary spectrum S p u ( T , S ) . For S = + n or + n , we establish connections with polynomial convexity.

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