Embedding theorems and Kahlerity for 1-convex spaces.
We establish a lower estimate for the Kobayashi-Royden infinitesimal pseudometric on an almost complex manifold admitting a bounded strictly plurisubharmonic function. We apply this result to study the boundary behaviour of the metric on a strictly pseudoconvex domain in and to give a sufficient condition for the complete hyperbolicity of a domain in .
We study the class of smooth bounded weakly pseudoconvex domains D ⊂ ℂⁿ whose boundary points are of finite type (in the sense of J. Kohn) and whose Levi form has at most one degenerate eigenvalue at each boundary point, and prove effective estimates on the invariant distance of Carathéodory. This completes the author's investigations on invariant differential metrics of Carathéodory, Bergman, and Kobayashi in the corank one situation and on invariant distances on pseudoconvex finite type domains...
We study the problem of extending functions from linear affine subvarieties for the Bergman scale of spaces on convex finite type domains. Our results solve the problem for H¹(D). For other Bergman spaces the result is ϵ-optimal.
We study the extension problem for germs of holomorphic isometries up to normalizing constants between bounded domains in Euclidean spaces equipped with Bergman metrics on and on . Our main focus is on boundary extension for pairs of bounded domains such that the Bergman kernel extends meromorphically in to a neighborhood of , and such that the analogous statement holds true for the Bergman kernel on . Assuming that and are complete Kähler manifolds, we prove that the germ...
Let be a smooth foliation with complex leaves and let be the sheaf of germs of smooth functions, holomorphic along the leaves. We study the ringed space . In particular we concentrate on the following two themes: function theory for the algebra and cohomology with values in .
We give a homotopy formula for the operator on a domain with (q+k)-concave boundary. As a consequence we show that the dimension of the -cohomology groups for some CR manifolds q-concave at infinity is finite.