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Distribution laws for integrable eigenfunctions

Bernard Shiffman, Tatsuya Tate, Steve Zelditch (2004)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We determine the asymptotics of the joint eigenfunctions of the torus action on a toric Kähler variety. Such varieties are models of completely integrable systems in complex geometry. We first determine the pointwise asymptotics of the eigenfunctions, which show that they behave like Gaussians centered at the corresponding classical torus. We then show that there is a universal Gaussian scaling limit of the distribution function near its center. We also determine the limit...

Dynamics of meromorphic maps with small topological degree III: geometric currents and ergodic theory

Jeffrey Diller, Romain Dujardin, Vincent Guedj (2010)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

We continue our study of the dynamics of mappings with small topological degree on projective complex surfaces. Previously, under mild hypotheses, we have constructed an ergodic “equilibrium” measure for each such mapping. Here we study the dynamical properties of this measure in detail: we give optimal bounds for its Lyapunov exponents, prove that it has maximal entropy, and show that it has product structure in the natural extension. Under a natural further assumption, we show that saddle points...

Dynamics of one-resonant biholomorphisms

Filippo Bracci, Dmitri Zaitsev (2013)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Our first main result is a construction of a simple formal normal form for holomorphic diffeomorphisms in C n whose differentials have one-dimensional family of resonances in the first m eigenvalues, m n (but more resonances are allowed for other eigenvalues). Next, we provide invariants and give conditions for the existence of basins of attraction. Finally, we give applications and examples demonstrating the sharpness of our conditions.

Dynamics of symmetric holomorphic maps on projective spaces.

Kohei Ueno (2007)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

We consider complex dynamics of a critically finite holomorphic map from Pk to Pk, which has symmetries associated with the symmetric group Sk+2 acting on Pk, for each k ≥1. The Fatou set of each map of this family consists of attractive basins of superattracting points. Each map of this family satisfies Axiom A.

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