Complex analytic geometry of complex parallelizable manifolds
Complex dynamics, value distributions, and potential theory.
Complex geometry of generalized annuli.
Condition and Fefferman's mapping theorem.
Construction de disques analytiques et régularité de fonctions holomorphes au bord.
Continuity and convergence properties of extremal interpolating disks.
Let a be a sequence of points in the unit ball of Cn. Eric Amar and the author have introduced the nonnegative quantity ρ(a) = infα infk Πj:j≠k dG(αj, αk), where dG is the Gleason distance in the unit disk and the first infimum is taken over all sequences α in the unit disk which map to a by a map from the disk to the ball.The value of ρ(a) is related to whether a is an interpolating sequence with respect to analytic disks passing through it, and if a is an interpolating sequence in the ball, then...
Converging semigroups of holomorphic maps
In this paper we study the semigroups of holomorphic maps of a strictly convex domain into itself. In particular, we characterize the semigroups converging, uniformly on compact subsets, to a holomorphic map .
Coréduction algébrique d'un espace analytique faiblement Kählérien compact.
Correction to my Paper: Proper Holomorphic Self-Maps of the Unit Ball.
Correction to the paper "Distortions of a bounded domain by holomorphic mappings".
Courants dynamiques pluripolaires
On montre l’existence d’applications rationnelles telles que est algébriquement stable : pour tout , ,il existe un unique courant positif fermé de bidegré vérifiant et où est la forme de Fubini-Study sur et est pluripolaire : il existe un ensemble pluripolaire tel que
Courants extrémaux et dynamique complexe
Covering spaces of families of compact Riemann surfaces.
CR mappings and their holomorphic extension
Cyclic Coverings: Deformation and Torelli Theorem.
Das formale Prinzip für reduzierte komplexe Räume mit einer schwachen Positivitätseigenschaft.
Decay of volumes under iteration of meromorphic mappings
Let be a meromorphic self-mapping of a compact Kähler manifold. We study the rate of decreasing of volumes under the iteration of . We use these volume estimates to construct the Green current of in a quite general setting.
Deformation of holomorphic maps onto Fano manifolds of second and fourth Betti numbers 1
Let be a Fano manifold with different from the projective space such that any two surfaces in have proportional fundamental classes in . Let be a surjective holomorphic map from a projective variety . We show that all deformations of with and fixed, come from automorphisms of . The proof is obtained by studying the geometry of the integral varieties of the multi-valued foliation defined by the variety of minimal rational tangents of .
Degeneracy of entire curves in log surfaces with
We determine which algebraic surface of logarithmic irregularity admit an algebraically non-degenerate entire curve.