The hard Lefschetz theorem and the topology of semismall maps
In this paper we construct the abelian stack of microlocal perverse sheaves on the projective cotangent bundle of a complex manifold. Following ideas of Andronikof we first consider microlocal perverse sheaves at a point using classical tools from microlocal sheaf theory. Then we will use Kashiwara-Schapira’s theory of analytic ind-sheaves to globalize our construction. This presentation allows us to formulate explicitly a global microlocal Riemann-Hilbert correspondence.
We give criteria of finite determinacy for the volume and multiplicities. Given an analytic set described by {v = 0}, we prove that the log-analytic expansion of the volume of the intersection of the set and a "little ball" is determined by that of the set defined by the Taylor expansion of v up to a certain order if the mapping v has an isolated singularity at the origin. We also compare the cardinalities of finite fibers of projections restricted to such a set.
Given adjacent subanalytic strata in verifying Kuo’s ratio test (resp. Verdier’s -regularity) we find an open dense subset of the codimension submanifolds (wings) containing such that is generically Whitney -regular is exactly one more than the dimension...