Asymptotic expansion of the Bergman kernel for weakly pseudoconvex tube domains in
We use the work of J. Bourgain to show that some uniform algebras of analytic functions have certain Banach space properties. If X is a Banach space, we say X is strongif X and X* have the Dunford-Pettis property, X has the Pełczyński property, and X* is weakly sequentially complete. Bourgain has shown that the ball-algebras and the polydisk-algebras are strong Banach spaces. Using Bourgain’s methods, Cima and Timoney have shown that if K is a compact planar set and A is R(K) or A(K), then A and...
In questa Nota viene studiato il comportamento al bordo delle distanze di Carathéodory e Kobayashi in domini fortemente pseudoconvessi di classe . Come applicazione si dimostra che ogni geodetica complessa in tali domini è estendibile al bordo di classe .
We study the B-regularity of some classes of domains in ℂⁿ. The results include a complete characterization of B-regularity in the class of Reinhardt domains, we also give some sufficient conditions for Hartogs domains to be B-regular. The last result yields sufficient conditions for preservation of B-regularity under holomorphic mappings.
On a finite intersection of strictly pseudoconvex domains we define two kinds of natural Nevanlinna classes in order to take the growth of the functions near the sides or the edges into account. We give a sufficient Blaschke type condition on an analytic set for being the zero set of a function in a given Nevanlinna class. On the other hand we show that the usual Blaschke condition is not necessary here.