Semi-continuity of complex singularity exponents and Kähler–Einstein metrics on Fano orbifolds
Let X×Y be the Cartesian product of two locally finite, connected networks that need not have reversible conductance. If X,Y represent random walks, it is known that if X×Y is recurrent, then X,Y are both recurrent. This fact is proved here by non-probabilistic methods, by using the properties of separately superharmonic functions. For this class of functions on the product network X×Y, the Dirichlet solution, balayage, minimum principle etc. are obtained. A unique integral representation is given...
Let be a non-pluripolar set in . Let be a function holomorphic in a connected open neighborhood of . Let be a sequence of polynomials with such thatWe show that ifwhere is a set in such that the global extremal function in , then the maximal domain of existence of is one-sheeted, andfor every compact set . If, moreover, the sequence is bounded then .If is a closed set in then if and only if each series of homogeneous polynomials , for which some subsequence ...
The Siciak extremal function establishes an important link between polynomial approximation in several variables and pluripotential theory. This yields its numerous applications in complex and real analysis. Some of them can be found on a rich list drawn up by Klimek in his well-known monograph "Pluripotential Theory". The purpose of this paper is to supplement it by applications in constructive function theory.
The paper is concerned with the best constants in the Bernstein and Markov inequalities on a compact set . We give some basic properties of these constants and we prove that two extremal-like functions defined in terms of the Bernstein constants are plurisubharmonic and very close to the Siciak extremal function . Moreover, we show that one of these extremal-like functions is equal to if E is a nonpluripolar set with where , the supremum is taken over all polynomials P of N variables of total...
We use our disc formula for the Siciak-Zahariuta extremal function to characterize the polynomial hull of a connected compact subset of complex affine space in terms of analytic discs.
Let E be a compact set in the complex plane, be the Green function of the unbounded component of with pole at infinity and where the supremum is taken over all polynomials of degree at most n, and . The paper deals with recent results concerning a connection between the smoothness of (existence, continuity, Hölder or Lipschitz continuity) and the growth of the sequence . Some additional conditions are given for special classes of sets.
In this paper we investigate some applications of the trace condition for pluriharmonic functions on a smooth, bounded domain in Cn. This condition, related to the normal component on ∂D of the ∂-operator, permits us to study the Neumann problem for pluriharmonic functions and the ∂-problem for (0,1)-forms on D with solutions having assigned real part on the boundary.
We give some characterizations of the class and use them to establish a lower estimate for the log canonical threshold of plurisubharmonic functions in this class.