Holomorphic approximation of CR functions on tubular submanifolds of ℂ²
The purpose of this paper is to take a closer look at uniform semi-global (i.e. on compact subsets) holomorphic approximation of CR functions on tubular submanifolds in ℂ².
The purpose of this paper is to take a closer look at uniform semi-global (i.e. on compact subsets) holomorphic approximation of CR functions on tubular submanifolds in ℂ².
Given a Hörmander system on a domain we show that any subelliptic harmonic morphism from into a -dimensional riemannian manifold is a (smooth) subelliptic harmonic map (in the sense of J. Jost & C-J. Xu, [9]). Also is a submersion provided that and has rank . If (the Heisenberg group) and , where is the Lewy operator, then a smooth map is a subelliptic harmonic morphism if and only if is a harmonic morphism, where is the canonical circle bundle and is the Fefferman...