Segre Families and Real Hypersurfaces.
Let M be an open subset of a compact strongly pseudoconvex hypersurface {ρ = 0} defined by M = D × Cn-m ∩ {ρ = 0}, where 1 ≤ m ≤ n-2, D = {σ(z1, ..., zm) < 0} ⊂ Cm is strongly pseudoconvex in Cm. For ∂b closed (0, q) forms f on M, we prove the semi-global existence theorem for ∂b if 1 ≤ q ≤ n-m-2, or if q = n - m - 1 and f satisfies an additional “moment condition”. Most importantly, the solution operator satisfies Lp estimates for 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞ with p = 1 and ∞ included.
We study Levi-flat real analytic hypersurfaces with singularities. We prove that the Levi foliation on the regular part of the hypersurface can be holomorphically extended, in a suitable sense, to neighbourhoods of singular points.
We study the regularity problem for Cauchy Riemann maps between hypersurfaces in Cn. We prove that a continuous Cauchy Riemann map between two smooth C∞ pseudoconvex decoupled hypersurfaces of finite D'Angelo type is of class C∞.
In questo lavoro si dà un criterio sufficiente per l'immersione di una varietà CR astratta di codimensione arbitraria in una di codimensione CR più bassa. La condizione trovata è necessaria per l'immersione in una varietà complessa (codimensione CR uguale a zero). Essa è formulata in termini dell'esistenza di una sottoalgebra di Lie di campi di vettori complessi trasversale alla distribuzione di Cauchy-Riemann.
We give a special normal form for a non-semiquadratic hyperbolic CR-manifold M of codimension 2 in ℂ⁴, i.e., a construction of coordinates where the equation of M satisfies certain conditions. The coordinates are determined up to a linear coordinate change.
On étudie les remplissages d’une variété CR de dimension trois par une surface complexe, sous une hypothèse d’équivariance : on suppose que beaucoup d’automorphismes CR du bord se prolongent en des biholomorphismes de tout le remplissage. On démontre dans le cas strictement pseudoconvexe un résultat d’unicité (à éclatement près).