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Decaying positive solutions of some quasilinear differential equations

Tadie (1998)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The existence of decaying positive solutions in + of the equations ( E λ ) and ( E λ 1 ) displayed below is considered. From the existence of such solutions for the subhomogeneous cases (i.e. t 1 - p F ( r , t U , t | U ' | ) 0 as t ), a super-sub-solutions method (see § 2.2) enables us to obtain existence theorems for more general cases.

Decoupling normalizing transformations and local stabilization of nonlinear systems

S. Nikitin (1996)

Mathematica Bohemica

The existence of the normalizing transformation completely decoupling the stable dynamic from the center manifold dynamic is proved. A numerical procedure for the calculation of the asymptotic series for the decoupling normalizing transformation is proposed. The developed method is especially important for the perturbation theory of center manifold and, in particular, for the local stabilization theory. In the paper some sufficient conditions for local stabilization are given.

Degenerate Hopf bifurcations and the formation mechanism of chaos in the Qi 3-D four-wing chaotic system

Hongtao Liang, Yanxia Tang, Li Li, Zhouchao Wei, Zhen Wang (2013)


In order to further understand a complex 3-D dynamical system proposed by Qi et al, showing four-wing chaotic attractors with very complicated topological structures over a large range of parameters, we study degenerate Hopf bifurcations in the system. It exhibits the result of a period-doubling cascade to chaos from a Hopf bifurcation point. The theoretical analysis and simulations demonstrate the rich dynamics of the system.

Determining the domain of attraction of hybrid non–linear systems using maximal Lyapunov functions

Szabolcs Rozgonyi, Katalin M. Hangos, Gábor Szederkényi (2010)


In this article a method is presented to find systematically the domain of attraction (DOA) of hybrid non-linear systems. It has already been shown that there exists a sequence of special kind of Lyapunov functions V n in a rational functional form approximating a maximal Lyapunov function V M that can be used to find an estimation for the DOA. Based on this idea, an improved method has been developed and implemented in a Mathematica-package to find such Lyapunov functions V n for a class of hybrid (piecewise...

Dynamic behavior of vector solutions of a class of 2-D neutral differential systems

Arun Kumar Tripathy, Shibanee Sahu (2025)

Mathematica Bohemica

This work deals with the analysis pertaining some dynamic behavior of vector solutions of first order two-dimensional neutral delay differential systems of the form d d t u ( t ) + p u ( t - τ ) v ( t ) + p v ( t - τ ) = a b c d u ( t - α ) v ( t - β ) . The effort has been made to study d d t x ( t ) - p ( t ) h 1 ( x ( t - τ ) ) y ( t ) - p ( t ) h 2 ( y ( t - τ ) ) + a ( t ) b ( t ) c ( t ) d ( t ) f 1 ( x ( t - α ) ) f 2 ( y ( t - β ) ) = 0 , where p , a , b , c , d , h 1 , h 2 , f 1 , f 2 C ( , ) ; α , β , τ + . We verify our results with the examples.

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