Eine Anwendung diophantischer Approximationen auf die Theorie von Differentialgleichungen.
We give a survey of results on global stability for deterministic compartmental epidemiological models. Using Lyapunov techniques we revisit a classical result, and give a simple proof. By the same methods we also give a new result on differential susceptibility and infectivity models with mass action and an arbitrary number of compartments. These models encompass the so-called differential infectivity and staged progression models. In the two cases we prove that if the basic reproduction ratio...
In this article, the equivalence and symmetries of underdetermined differential equations and differential equations with deviations of the first order are considered with respect to the pseudogroup of transformations
The problem of topological classification is fundamental in the study of dynamical systems. However, when we consider systems without well-posedness, it is unclear how to generalize the notion of equivalence. For example, when a system has trajectories distinguished only by parametrization, we cannot apply the usual definition of equivalence based on the phase space, which presupposes the uniqueness of trajectories. In this study, we formulate a notion of “topological equivalence” using the axiomatic...
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird der -Stabilitätsbegriff von Dahlquist, der die Grundlage für Stabilitätsuntersuchungen bei linearen Mehrschrittverfahren zur Lösung nichtlinearet Anfangswertaufgaben bildet, auf die Klasse der linearen Mehrschrittblockverfahren übertragen. Es wird nachgewiesen, das Blockverfahren, die in diesem Sinne stabil sind, höchstens die Konsistenzordnung 2 haben können.