Integral manifolds of impulsive differential equations.
In the paper existence and uniqueness results for the linear differential system on the interval [0,1] with distributional coefficients and solutions from the space of regulated functions are obtained.
The paper deals with the linear differential equation (0.1) with distributional coefficients and solutions from the space of regulated functions. Our aim is to get the basic existence and uniqueness results for the equation (0.1) and to generalize the known results due to F. V. Atkinson [At], J. Ligeza [Li1]-[Li3], R. Pfaff ([Pf1], [Pf2]), A. B. Mingarelli [Mi] as well as the results from the paper [Pe-Tv] concerning the equation (0.1).
The existence of synchronization is an important issue in complex dynamical networks. In this paper, we study the synchronization of impulsive coupled oscillator networks with the aid of rotating periodic solutions of impulsive system. The type of synchronization is closely related to the rotating matrix, which gives an insight for finding various types of synchronization in a united way. We transform the synchronization of impulsive coupled oscillators into the existence of rotating periodic solutions...
In this paper, we introduce a new class of boundary value problem for nonlinear fractional differential equations involving the Erdélyi-Kober differential operator on an infinite interval. Existence and uniqueness results for a positive solution of the given problem are obtained by using the Banach contraction principle, the Leray-Schauder nonlinear alternative, and Guo-Krasnosel'skii fixed point theorem in a special Banach space. To that end, some examples are presented to illustrate the usefulness...
In this paper, we discuss some generalized stability of solutions to a class of nonlinear impulsive evolution equations in the certain piecewise essentially bounded functions space. Firstly, stabilization of solutions to nonlinear impulsive evolution equations are studied by means of fixed point methods at an appropriate decay rate. Secondly, stable manifolds for the associated singular perturbation problems with impulses are compared with each other. Finally, an example on initial boundary value...