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On algebraic solutions of algebraic Pfaff equations

Henryk Żołądek (1995)

Studia Mathematica

We give a new proof of Jouanolou’s theorem about non-existence of algebraic solutions to the system = z s , = x s , ż = y s . We also present some generalizations of the results of Darboux and Jouanolou about algebraic Pfaff forms with algebraic solutions.

On limit cycles of piecewise differential systems formed by arbitrary linear systems and a class of quadratic systems

Aziza Berbache (2023)

Mathematica Bohemica

We study the continuous and discontinuous planar piecewise differential systems separated by a straight line and formed by an arbitrary linear system and a class of quadratic center. We show that when these piecewise differential systems are continuous, they can have at most one limit cycle. However, when the piecewise differential systems are discontinuous, we show that they can have at most two limit cycles, and that there exist such systems with two limit cycles. Therefore, in particular, we...

On the center of the generalized Liénard system

Cheng Dong Zhao, Qi-Min He (2002)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper, we discuss the conditions for a center for the generalized Liénard system d x d t = ϕ ( y ) - F ( x ) , d y d t = - g ( x ) , or d x d t = ψ ( y ) , dy d t = - f ( x ) h ( y ) - g ( x ) , with f ( x ) , g ( x ) , ϕ ( y ) , ψ ( y ) , h ( y ) , F ( x ) = 0 x f ( x ) d x , and x g ( x ) > 0 for x 0 . By using a different technique, that is, by introducing auxiliary systems and using the differential inquality theorem, we are able to generalize and improve some results in [1], [2].

On the limit cycle of the Liénard equation

Kenzi Odani (2000)

Archivum Mathematicum

In the paper, we give an existence theorem of periodic solution for Liénard equation x ˙ = y - F ( x ) , y ˙ = - g ( x ) . As a result, we estimate the amplitude ρ ( μ ) (maximal x -value) of the limit cycle of the van der Pol equation x ˙ = y - μ ( x 3 / 3 - x ) , y ˙ = - x from above by ρ ( μ ) < 2 . 3439 for every μ 0 . The result is an improvement of the author’s previous estimation ρ ( μ ) < 2 . 5425 .

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