On asymptotic properties of oscillatory solutions of the system of differential equations of fourth order
This paper is concerned with the asymptotic behavior of solutions of nonlinear differential equations of the third-order with quasiderivatives. We give the necessary and sufficient conditions guaranteeing the existence of bounded nonoscillatory solutions. Sufficient conditions are proved via a topological approach based on the Banach fixed point theorem.
In this paper a singular third order eigenvalue problem is studied. The results of the paper complete the results given in the papers [3], [5].
The lower bounds of the spacings b-a or a’-a of two consecutive zeros or three consecutive zeros of solutions of third order differential equations of the form y”’ + q(t)y’ + p(t)y = 0 (*) are derived under very general assumptions on p and q. These results are then used to show that or as n → ∞ under suitable assumptions on p and q, where ⟨tₙ⟩ is a sequence of zeros of an oscillatory solution of (*). The Opial-type inequalities are used to derive lower bounds of the spacings d-a or b-d for...
We investigate an asymptotic behaviour of damped non-oscillatory solutions of the initial value problem with a time singularity , , on the unbounded domain . Function is locally Lipschitz continuous on and has at least three zeros , and . The initial value . Function is continuous on has a positive continuous derivative on and . Asymptotic formulas for damped non-oscillatory solutions and their first derivatives are derived under some additional assumptions. Further, we provide...
The paper deals with existence of Kneser solutions of -th order nonlinear differential equations with quasi-derivatives.