On the boundedness of solutions of a certain fourth-order nonlinear differential equation
The paper investigates the singular initial problem[4pt] [4pt] on the half-line . Here , where , and are zeros of , which is locally Lipschitz continuous on . Function is continuous on , has a positive continuous derivative on and . Function is continuous on and positive on . For specific values we prove the existence and uniqueness of damped solutions of this problem. With additional conditions for , and it is shown that the problem has for each specified a unique...
In this paper we examine some features of the global dynamics of the four-dimensional system created by Lou, Ruggeri and Ma in 2007 which describes the behavior of the AIDS-related cancer dynamic model in vivo. We give upper and lower ultimate bounds for concentrations of cell populations and the free HIV-1 involved in this model. We show for this dynamics that there is a positively invariant polytope and we find a few surfaces containing omega-limit sets for positive half trajectories in the positive...
In this paper we have considered completely the equation where , , and such that , and . It has been shown that the set of all oscillatory solutions of (*) forms a two-dimensional subspace of the solution space of (*) provided that (*) has an oscillatory solution. This answers a question raised by S. Ahmad and A. C. Lazer earlier.