Displaying 61 – 80 of 82

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On the global dynamics of the cancer AIDS-related mathematical model

Konstantin E. Starkov, Corina Plata-Ante (2014)


In this paper we examine some features of the global dynamics of the four-dimensional system created by Lou, Ruggeri and Ma in 2007 which describes the behavior of the AIDS-related cancer dynamic model in vivo. We give upper and lower ultimate bounds for concentrations of cell populations and the free HIV-1 involved in this model. We show for this dynamics that there is a positively invariant polytope and we find a few surfaces containing omega-limit sets for positive half trajectories in the positive...

On the method of Esclangon

Ján Andres, Tomáš Turský (1996)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

On the oscillation of a class of linear homogeneous third order differential equations

N. Parhi, P. Das (1998)

Archivum Mathematicum

In this paper we have considered completely the equation y ' ' ' + a ( t ) y ' ' + b ( t ) y ' + c ( t ) y = 0 , ( * ) where a C 2 ( [ σ , ) , R ) , b C 1 ( [ σ , ) , R ) , c C ( [ σ , ) , R ) and σ R such that a ( t ) 0 , b ( t ) 0 and c ( t ) 0 . It has been shown that the set of all oscillatory solutions of (*) forms a two-dimensional subspace of the solution space of (*) provided that (*) has an oscillatory solution. This answers a question raised by S. Ahmad and A.  C. Lazer earlier.

On ω -limit sets of nonautonomous differential equations

Boris S. Klebanov (1994)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this paper the ω -limit behaviour of trajectories of solutions of ordinary differential equations is studied by methods of an axiomatic theory of solution spaces. We prove, under very general assumptions, semi-invariance of ω -limit sets and a Poincar’e-Bendixon type theorem.

Orbits connecting singular points in the plane

Changming Ding (2005)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

This paper concerns the global structure of planar systems. It is shown that if a positively bounded system with two singular points has no closed orbits, the set of all bounded solutions is compact and simply connected. Also it is shown that for such a system the existence of connecting orbits is tightly related to the behavior of homoclinic orbits. A necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of connecting orbits is given. The number of connecting orbits is also discussed.

Oscillation criteria for a class of nonlinear differential equations of third order

N. Parhi, P. Das (1992)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Oscillation criteria are obtained for nonlinear homogeneous third order differential equations of the form y ' ' ' + q ( t ) y ' + p ( t ) y α = 0 and y”’ + q(t)y’ + p(t)f(y) = 0, where p and q are real-valued continuous functions on [a,∞), f is a real-valued continuous function on (-∞, ∞) and α > 0 is a quotient of odd integers. Sign restrictions are imposed on p(t) and q(t). These results generalize some of the results obtained earlier in this direction.

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 82