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Tame semiflows for piecewise linear vector fields

Daniel Panazzolo (2002)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let be a disjoint decomposition of n and let X be a vector field on n , defined to be linear on each cell of the decomposition . Under some natural assumptions, we show how to associate a semiflow to X and prove that such semiflow belongs to the o-minimal structure an , exp . In particular, when X is a continuous vector field and Γ is an invariant subset of X , our result implies that if Γ is non-spiralling then the Poincaré first return map associated Γ is also in an , exp .

Tauberian theorems for vector-valued Fourier and Laplace transforms

Ralph Chill (1998)

Studia Mathematica

Let X be a Banach space and f L l 1 o c ( ; X ) be absolutely regular (i.e. integrable when divided by some polynomial). If the distributional Fourier transform of f is locally integrable then f converges to 0 at infinity in some sense to be made precise. From this result we deduce some Tauberian theorems for Fourier and Laplace transforms, which can be improved if the underlying Banach space has the analytic Radon-Nikodym property.

The bounce problem, on n-dimensional Riemannian manifolds

Giuseppe Buttazzo, Danilo Percivale (1981)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

In questo lavoro vengono generalizzati i risultati relativi al problema del rimbalzo unidimensionale studiato in [5]. Precisamente si considera un punto mobile su una varietà Riemanniana V n -dimensionale, soggetto all’azione di un potenziale variabile nel tempo e vincolato a restare in una parte W di V avente un bordo di classe C 3 contro cui il punto «rimbalza»....

The Conley index in Hilbert spaces and its applications

K. Gęba, M. Izydorek, A. Pruszko (1999)

Studia Mathematica

We present a generalization of the classical Conley index defined for flows on locally compact spaces to flows on an infinite-dimensional real Hilbert space H generated by vector fields of the form f: H → H, f(x) = Lx + K(x), where L: H → H is a bounded linear operator satisfying some technical assumptions and K is a completely continuous perturbation. Simple examples are presented to show how this new invariant can be applied in searching critical points of strongly indefinite functionals having...

The distance between fixed points of some pairs of maps in Banach spaces and applications to differential systems

Cristinel Mortici (2006)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let T be a γ -contraction on a Banach space Y and let S be an almost γ -contraction, i.e. sum of an ε , γ -contraction with a continuous, bounded function which is less than ε in norm. According to the contraction principle, there is a unique element u in Y for which u = T u . If moreover there exists v in Y with v = S v , then we will give estimates for u - v . Finally, we establish some inequalities related to the Cauchy problem.

The existence of limit cycle for perturbed bilinear systems

Hanen Damak, Mohamed Ali Hammami, Yeong-Jeu Sun (2012)


In this paper, the feedback control for a class of bilinear control systems with a small parameter is proposed to guarantee the existence of limit cycle. We use the perturbation method of seeking in approximate solution as a finite Taylor expansion of the exact solution. This perturbation method is to exploit the “smallness” of the perturbation parameter ε to construct an approximate periodic solution. Furthermore, some simulation results are given to illustrate the existence of a limit cycle for...

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