Spectral singularities of Sturm-Liouville problems with eigenvalue-dependent boundary conditions.
The class of Sturm-Liouville systems is defined. It appears to be a subclass of Riesz-spectral systems, since it is shown that the negative of a Sturm-Liouville operator is a Riesz-spectral operator on L^2(a,b) and the infinitesimal generator of a C_0-semigroup of bounded linear operators.
We discuss the spectral properties of the operator on the line. We first briefly describe how this operator appears in various problems in the analysis of operators on nilpotent Lie groups, in the spectral properties of a Schrödinger operator with magnetic field and in superconductivity. We then give a new proof that the minimum over α of the groundstate energy is attained at a unique point and also prove that the minimum is non-degenerate. Our study can also be seen as a refinement for a specific...
We generalize a well-known separation condition of Everitt and Giertz to a class of weighted symmetric partial differential operators defined on domains in . Also, for symmetric second-order ordinary differential operators we show that where is a singular point guarantees separation of on its minimal domain and extend this criterion to the partial differential setting. As a particular example it is shown that is separated on its minimal domain if is superharmonic. For the criterion...
We study complex zeros of eigenfunctions of second order linear differential operators with real even polynomial potentials. For potentials of degree 4, we prove that all zeros of all eigenfunctions belong to the union of the real and imaginary axes. For potentials of degree 6, we classify eigenfunctions with finitely many zeros, and show that in this case too, all zeros are real or pure imaginary.