Normal form and global solutions for the Klein-Gordon-Zakharov equations
This talk will describe some results on the inverse spectral problem on a compact riemannian manifold (possibly with boundary) which are based on V. Guillemin's strategy of normal forms. It consists of three steps : first, put the wave group into a normal form around each closed geodesic. Second, determine the normal form from the spectrum of the laplacian. Third, determine the metric from the normal form. We will try to explain all three steps and to illustrate with simple examples such as surfaces...
De Pablo et al. [Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 138 (2008), 513-530] considered a nonlinear boundary value problem for a porous medium equation with a convection term, and they classified exponents of nonlinearities which lead either to the global-in-time existence of solutions or to a blow-up of solutions. In their analysis they left open the case of a certain critical range of exponents. The purpose of this note is to fill this gap.
The existence of a solution of the two - dimensional heat conduction equation in a semi-infinite strip, under mixed boundary condition, is discussed.