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Homogeneous two-point problem for PDE of the second order in time variable and infinite order in spatial variables

Oksana Malanchuk, Zinoviy Nytrebych (2017)

Open Mathematics

We prove that homogeneous problem for PDE of second order in time variable, and generally infinite order in spatial variables with local two-point conditions with respect to time variable, has only trivial solution in the case when the characteristic determinant of the problem is nonzero. In another, opposite case, we prove the existence of nontrivial solutions of the problem, and we propose a differential-symbol method of constructing them.

How many are affine connections with torsion

Zdeněk Dušek, Oldřich Kowalski (2014)

Archivum Mathematicum

The question how many real analytic affine connections exist locally on a smooth manifold M of dimension n is studied. The families of general affine connections with torsion and with skew-symmetric Ricci tensor, or symmetric Ricci tensor, respectively, are described in terms of the number of arbitrary functions of n variables.

How many are equiaffine connections with torsion

Zdeněk Dušek, Oldřich Kowalski (2015)

Archivum Mathematicum

The question how many real analytic equiaffine connections with arbitrary torsion exist locally on a smooth manifold M of dimension n is studied. The families of general equiaffine connections and with skew-symmetric Ricci tensor, or with symmetric Ricci tensor, respectively, are described in terms of the number of arbitrary functions of n variables.

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