Attractors of the reaction-diffusion systems with rapidly oscillating coefficients and their homogenization
Given an orientation-preserving homeomorphism of the plane, a rotation number can be associated with each locally attracting fixed point. Assuming that the homeomorphism is dissipative and the rotation number vanishes we prove the existence of a second fixed point. The main tools in the proof are Carath´eodory prime ends and fixed point index. The result is applicable to some concrete problems in the theory of periodic differential equations.
On explicite une conjugaison en mesure entre le décalage sur le système dynamique associé à une substitution primitive et une transformation adique sur le support d'un sous-shift de type fini, à savoir l'ensemble des chemins d'un automate dit des préfixes-suffixes. En caractérisant les préimages par la conjugaison des chemins périodiques de l'automate, on montre que cette conjugaison est injective sauf sur un ensemble dénombrable, sur lequel elle est finie-à-un. On en déduit l'existence d'une suite...
We prove that automatic sequences generated by synchronizing automata satisfy the full Sarnak conjecture. This is of particular interest, since Berlinkov proved recently that almost all automata are synchronizing.
The dynamical Mertens' theorem describes asymptotics for the growth in the number of closed orbits in a dynamical system. We construct families of ergodic automorphisms of fixed entropy on compact connected groups with a continuum of growth rates on two different growth scales. This shows in particular that the space of all ergodic algebraic dynamical systems modulo the equivalence of shared orbit-growth asymptotics is not countable. In contrast, for the equivalence relation of measurable isomorphism...
In this paper, we are interested in the asymptotical behavior of the error between the solution of a differential equation perturbed by a flow (or by a transformation) and the solution of the associated averaged differential equation. The main part of this redaction is devoted to the ascertainment of results of convergence in distribution analogous to those obtained in [10] and [11]. As in [11], we shall use a representation by a suspension flow over a dynamical system. Here, we make an assumption...
In this paper, we are interested in the asymptotical behavior of the error between the solution of a differential equation perturbed by a flow (or by a transformation) and the solution of the associated averaged differential equation. The main part of this redaction is devoted to the ascertainment of results of convergence in distribution analogous to those obtained in [10] and [11]. As in [11], we shall use a representation by a suspension flow over a dynamical system. Here, we make an assumption...
We consider a family of planar systems introduced in 1991 by Benedicks and Carleson as a toy model for the dynamics of the so-called Hénon maps. We show that Smale’s Axiom A property is -dense among the systems in this family, despite the existence of -open subsets (closely related to the so-called Newhouse phenomena) where Smale’s Axiom A is violated. In particular, this provides some evidence towards Smale’s conjecture that Axiom A is a -dense property among surface diffeomorphisms. The basic...
A general theory of summation of divergent series based on the Hardy-Kolmogorov axioms is developed. A class of functional series is investigated by means of ergodic theory. The results are formulated in terms of solvability of some cohomological equations, all solutions to which are nonmeasurable. In particular, this realizes a construction of a nonmeasurable function as first conjectured by Kolmogorov.