Singular Bohr–Sommerfeld rules for 2D integrable systems
The purpose of this paper is to develop the basics of a theory of Hamiltonian systems with non-differentiable Hamilton functions which have become important in symplectic topology. A characteristic differential inclusion is introduced and its equivalence to Hamiltonian inclusions for certain convex Hamiltonians is established. We give two counterexamples showing that basic properties of smooth systems are violated for non-smooth quasiconvex submersions, e.g. even the energy conservation which nevertheless...
Dans un article précédent [Singularité des flots holomorphes, Ann. Inst. Fourier, Grenoble, 46-2 (1996), 411-428], le deuxième auteur démontrait, en particulier, qu’un champ de vecteurs holomorphe complet sur une surface complexe ne peut posséder une singularité isolée dont le deuxième jet est nul. Nous nous proposons ici de donner une description précise des champs de vecteurs holomorphes complets sur les surfaces complexes qui possèdent une singularité isolée dont le premier jet est nul. Dans...
This paper presents a classification of plane dicritical nilpotent singularities, i.e. singularities which have nilpotent linear part and infinitely many separatrices. In particular the existence of meromorphic first integrals is discussed. The same ideas are applied to other kind of dicritical singularities.
In the first half of the paper, we consider singularities of infinitesimal contact transformations and first order partial differential equations, the main results being related to the classical Sternberg-Chen theorem for hyperbolic germs of vector fields. The second half explains how to construct global generating phase functions for solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations and see what their singularities look like.