Quantization of the orientation preserving automorphisms of the torus
Let F be an expansive flow with the pseudo orbits tracing property on a compact metric space X. Suppose X is connected, locally connected and contains at least two distinct orbits. Then any point is a saddle.
As is well known, a horseshoe map, i.e. a special injective reimbedding of the unit square in (or more generally, of the cube in ) as considered first by S. Smale [5], defines a shift dynamics on the maximal invariant subset of (or ). It is shown that this remains true almost surely for noninjective maps provided the contraction rate of the mapping in the stable direction is sufficiently strong, and bounds for this rate are given.
We study 1) the slopes of central branches of iterates of S-unimodal maps, comparing them to the derivatives on the critical trajectory, 2) the hyperbolic structure of Collet-Eckmann maps estimating the exponents, and under a summability condition 3) the images of the density one under the iterates of the Perron-Frobenius operator, 4) the density of the absolutely continuous invariant measure.
One wonders or not whether it is possible to determine the homotopy class of a vector field by examining some algebraic invariants associated with its qualitative behavior. In this paper, we investigate the algebraic invariants which are usually associated with the periodic solutions of non-singular Morse-Smale vector fields on the 3-sphere. We exhibit some examples for which there appears to be no correlation between the algebraic invariants of the periodic solutions and the homotopy classes of...