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Characteristic Exponents of Rational Functions

Anna Zdunik (2014)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

We consider two characteristic exponents of a rational function f:ℂ̂ → ℂ̂ of degree d ≥ 2. The exponent χ a ( f ) is the average of log∥f’∥ with respect to the measure of maximal entropy. The exponent χ m ( f ) can be defined as the maximal characteristic exponent over all periodic orbits of f. We prove that χ a ( f ) = χ m ( f ) if and only if f(z) is conformally conjugate to z z ± d .

Conformal measures and matings between Kleinian groups and quadratic polynomials

Marianne Freiberger (2007)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Following results of McMullen concerning rational maps, we show that the limit set of matings between a certain class of representations of C₂ ∗ C₃ and quadratic polynomials carries δ-conformal measures, and that if the correspondence is geometrically finite then the real number δ is equal to the Hausdorff dimension of the limit set. Moreover, when f is the limit of a pinching deformation f t 0 t < 1 we give sufficient conditions for the dynamical convergence of f t .

Convergence of pinching deformations and matings of geometrically finite polynomials

Peter Haïssinsky, Lei Tan (2004)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We give a thorough study of Cui's control of distortion technique in the analysis of convergence of simple pinching deformations, and extend his result from geometrically finite rational maps to some subset of geometrically infinite maps. We then combine this with mating techniques for pairs of polynomials to establish existence and continuity results for matings of polynomials with parabolic points. Consequently, if two hyperbolic quadratic polynomials tend to their respective root polynomials...

Courants dynamiques pluripolaires

Xavier Buff (2011)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

On montre l’existence d’applications rationnelles f : k k telles que f est algébriquement stable  : pour tout n 0 , deg f n = ( deg f ) n ,il existe un unique courant positif fermé T de bidegré ( 1 , 1 ) vérifiant f * T = d · T et k T ω k - 1 = 1 ω est la forme de Fubini-Study sur k et T est pluripolaire  : il existe un ensemble pluripolaire X k tel que X T ω k - 1 = 1

Critical portraits for postcritically finite polynomials

Alfredo Poirier (2009)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We extend the work of Bielefeld, Fisher and Hubbard on critical portraits to arbitrary postcritically finite polynomials. This gives the classification of such polynomials as dynamical systems in terms of their external ray behavior.

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