On a conjecture of J. E. Littlewood.
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Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics
In this paper, a generalization of a result on the uniform best approximation of α cos nx + β sin nx by trigonometric polynomials of degree less than n is considered and its relationship with a well-known polynomial inequality of C. Visser is indicated.
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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 42A05. Secondary: 42A82, 11N05.The prime number theorem with error term presents itself as &pi'(x) = ∫2x [dt/ logt] + O ( x e- K logL x). In 1909, Edmund Landau provided a systematic analysis of the proof seeking better values of L and K. At a key point of his 1899 proof de la Vallée Poussin made use of the nonnegative trigonometric polynomial 2/3 (1+cos x)2 = 1+4/3 cosx +1/3 cos2x. Landau considered more general positive definite nonnegative...
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Publications de l'Institut Mathématique. Nouvelle Série
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Colloquium Mathematicae
We give a proof of convergence of moments in the Central Limit Theorem (under the Lyapunov-Lindeberg condition) for triangular arrays, yielding a new estimate of the speed of convergence expressed in terms of νth moments. We also give an application to the convergence in the mean of the pth moments of certain random trigonometric polynomials built from triangular arrays of independent random variables, thereby extending some recent work of Borwein and Lockhart.
A. J. Poorten (1976)
Mathematica Slovaca
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