Estimation of the integral modulus of smoothness of an even function of several variables with quasiconvex Fourier coefficients.
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Tevzadze, T. (1996)
Georgian Mathematical Journal
B. Anderson, J. M. Ash, R. L. Jones, D. G. Rider, B. Saffari (2007)
Annales de l’institut Fourier
A sum of exponentials of the form , where the are distinct integers is called an idempotent trigonometric polynomial (because the convolution of with itself is ) or, simply, an idempotent. We show that for every and every set of the torus with there are idempotents concentrated on in the sense. More precisely, for each there is an explicitly calculated constant so that for each with and one can find an idempotent such that the ratio is greater than . This is in fact...
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