A Theory of Generalized Multiresolution Structure and Pseudoframes of Translates.
In this article we give a wavelet area integral characterization for weighted Hardy spaces Hp(ω), 0 < p < ∞, with ω ∈ A∞. Our wavelet characterization establishes the identification between Hp(ω) and T2p (ω), the weighted discrete tent space, for 0 < p < ∞ and ω ∈ A∞. This allows us to use all the results of tent spaces for weighted Hardy spaces. In particular, we obtain the isomorphism between Hp(ω) and the dual space of Hp'(ω), where 1< p < ∞ and 1/p +...
Abelovu cenu za matematiku získal v roce 2017 francouzský matematik Yves Meyer za rozvoj teorie waveletů. V článku se seznámíme s jeho vědeckým životopisem, hlavní myšlenkou teorie waveletů a jejich použitím v praxi.
This is mainly a review paper, concerned with some applications of the concept of Nonlinear Approximation to adaptive convex minimization. At first, we recall the basic ideas and we compare linear to nonlinear approximation for three relevant families of bases used in practice: Fourier bases, finite element bases, wavelet bases. Next, we show how nonlinear approximation can be used to design rigorously justified and optimally efficient adaptive methods to solve abstract minimization problems in...
Assume that (Xt)t∈Z is a real valued time series admitting a common marginal density f with respect to Lebesgue's measure. [Donoho et al. Ann. Stat.24 (1996) 508–539] propose near-minimax estimators based on thresholding wavelets to estimate f on a compact set in an independent and identically distributed setting. The aim of the present work is to extend these results to general weak dependent contexts. Weak dependence assumptions are expressed as decreasing bounds of covariance terms and are...
Recently, adaptive wavelet strategies for symmetric, positive definite operators have been introduced that were proven to converge. This paper is devoted to the generalization to saddle point problems which are also symmetric, but indefinite. Firstly, we investigate a posteriori error estimates and generalize the known adaptive wavelet strategy to saddle point problems. The convergence of this strategy for elliptic operators essentially relies on the positive definite character of the operator....
We show that if the canonical dual of an affine frame has the affine structure, with the same number of generators, then the core subspace V₀ is shift invariant. We demonstrate, however, that the converse is not true. We apply our results in the setting of oversampling affine frames, as well as in computing the period of a Riesz wavelet, answering in the affirmative a conjecture of Daubechies and Han. Additionally, we completely characterize when the canonical dual of a quasi-affine frame has the...
The notion of non-orthogonal multi-resolution analysis and its compatibility with differentiation (as expressed by the commutation formula) lead us to the construction of a multi-resolution analysis of L2(Rn)n which is well adapted to the approximation of divergence-free vector functions. Thus, we obtain unconditional bases of compactly supported divergence-free vector wavelets.
This paper deals with approximation numbers of the compact trace operator of an anisotropic Besov space into some Lp-space,trΓ: Bpps,a (Rn) → Lp(Γ), s > 0, 1 < p < ∞,where Γ is an anisotropic d-set, 0 < d < n. We also prove homogeneity estimates, a homogeneous equivalent norm and the localization property in Bpps,a.
We define homogeneous classes of x-dependent anisotropic symbols in the framework determined by an expansive dilation A, thus extending the existing theory for diagonal dilations. We revisit anisotropic analogues of Hörmander-Mikhlin multipliers introduced by Rivière [Ark. Mat. 9 (1971)] and provide direct proofs of their boundedness on Lebesgue and Hardy spaces by making use of the well-established Calderón-Zygmund theory on spaces of homogeneous type. We then show that x-dependent symbols in...
A new orthonormality condition for scaling functions is derived. This condition shows a close connection between orthonormality and relations among discrete scaling moments. This new condition in connection with certain approximation properties of scaling functions enables to prove new relations among discrete scaling moments and consequently the same relations for continuous scaling moments.