Application of periodized harmonic wavelets towards solution of eigenvalue problems for integral equations.
The integrodifferential system with aftereffect (“heredity” or “prehistory”) dx/dt=Ax+-t R(t,s)x(s,)ds, is considered; here is a positive small parameter, is a constant matrix, is the kernel of this system exponentially decreasing in norm as . It is proved, if matrix and kernel satisfy some restrictions and does not exceed some bound , then the -dimensional set of the so-called principal two-sided solutions approximates in asymptotic sense the infinite-dimensional set of solutions...
The main objective of the present paper is to study the approximate solutions for integrodifferential equations of the neutral type with given initial condition. A variant of a certain fundamental integral inequality with explicit estimate is used to establish the results. The discrete analogues of the main results are also given.
Let G be a locally compact Hausdorff group with Haar measure, and let L⁰(G) be the space of extended real-valued measurable functions on G, finite a.e. Let ϱ and η be modulars on L⁰(G). The error of approximation ϱ(a(Tf - f)) of a function is estimated, where and K satisfies a generalized Lipschitz condition with respect to the second variable.
This paper is devoted to the approximation of abstract linear integrodifferential equations by finite difference equations. The result obtained here is applied to the problem of convergence of the backward Euler type discrete scheme.