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Exponential convergence of hp quadrature for integral operators with Gevrey kernels

Alexey Chernov, Tobias von Petersdorff, Christoph Schwab (2011)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

Galerkin discretizations of integral equations in d require the evaluation of integrals I = S ( 1 ) S ( 2 ) g ( x , y ) d y d x where S(1),S(2) are d-simplices and g has a singularity at x = y. We assume that g is Gevrey smooth for x y and satisfies bounds for the derivatives which allow algebraic singularities at x = y. This holds for kernel functions commonly occurring in integral equations. We construct a family of quadrature rules 𝒬 N using N function evaluations of g which achieves exponential convergence |I – 𝒬 N | ≤C exp(–rNγ) with...

Exponential convergence of hp quadrature for integral operators with Gevrey kernels

Alexey Chernov, Tobias von Petersdorff, Christoph Schwab (2011)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

Galerkin discretizations of integral equations in d require the evaluation of integrals I = S ( 1 ) S ( 2 ) g ( x , y ) d y d x where S(1),S(2) are d-simplices and g has a singularity at x = y. We assume that g is Gevrey smooth for x y and satisfies bounds for the derivatives which allow algebraic singularities at x = y. This holds for kernel functions commonly occurring in integral equations. We construct a family of quadrature rules 𝒬 N using N function evaluations of g which achieves exponential convergence |I – 𝒬 N | ≤C exp(–rNγ) with...

Exponential stability of a flexible structure with history and thermal effect

Roberto Díaz, Jaime Muñoz, Carlos Martínez, Octavio Vera (2020)

Applications of Mathematics

In this paper we study the asymptotic behavior of a system composed of an integro-partial differential equation that models the longitudinal oscillation of a beam with a memory effect to which a thermal effect has been given by the Green-Naghdi model type III, being physically more accurate than the Fourier and Cattaneo models. To achieve this goal, we will use arguments from spectral theory, considering a suitable hypothesis of smoothness on the integro-partial differential equation.

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