Continuity of ring -homomorphisms between -algebras.
This survey deals with necessary and/or sufficient conditions for continuity of the spectrum and spectral radius functions at a point of a Banach algebra.
We study the continuity of the generalized Drazin inverse for elements of Banach algebras and bounded linear operators on Banach spaces. This work extends the results obtained by the second author on the conventional Drazin inverse.
The pull-back, push-forward and multiplication of smooth functions can be extended to distributions if their wave front sets satisfy some conditions. Thus, it is natural to investigate the topological properties of these operations between spaces of distributions having a wave front set included in a given closed cone Γ of the cotangent space. As discovered by S. Alesker, the pull-back is not continuous for the usual topology on , and the tensor product is not separately continuous. In this paper,...
We prove the continuity of the rotundity modulus relative to linear subspaces of normed spaces. As a consequence we reduce the study of uniform rotundity relative to linear subspaces to the study of the same property relative to closed linear subspaces of Banach spaces.
Approximation and rigidity properties in renorming constructions are characterized with some classes of simple maps. Those maps describe continuity properties up to a countable partition. The construction of such kind of maps can be done with ideas from the First Lebesgue Theorem. We present new results on the relationship between Kadec and locally uniformly rotund renormability as well as characterizations of the last one with the simple maps used here.
This paper characterizes the Banach algebras of continuous functions on which the spectral factorization mapping 𝔖 is continuous or bounded. It is shown that 𝔖 is continuous if and only if the Riesz projection is bounded on the algebra, and that 𝔖 is bounded only if the algebra is isomorphic to the algebra of continuous functions. Consequently, 𝔖 can never be both continuous and bounded, on any algebra under consideration.