Displaying 821 – 840 of 1070

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Theoretical foundation of the weighted Laplace inpainting problem

Laurent Hoeltgen, Andreas Kleefeld, Isaac Harris, Michael Breuss (2019)

Applications of Mathematics

Laplace interpolation is a popular approach in image inpainting using partial differential equations. The classic approach considers the Laplace equation with mixed boundary conditions. Recently a more general formulation has been proposed, where the differential operator consists of a point-wise convex combination of the Laplacian and the known image data. We provide the first detailed analysis on existence and uniqueness of solutions for the arising mixed boundary value problem. Our approach considers...

Thin sequences in the corona of H ∞

Dimcho Stankov, Tzonio Tzonev (2013)

Open Mathematics

In this paper we consider several conditions for sequences of points in M(H ∞) and establish relations between them. We show that every interpolating sequence for QA of nontrivial points in the corona M ( H ) 𝔻 of H ∞ is a thin sequence for H ∞, which satisfies an additional topological condition. The discrete sequences in the Shilov boundary of H ∞ necessarily satisfy the same condition.

Thin sets in nonlinear potential theory

Lars-Inge Hedberg, Thomas H. Wolff (1983)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let L α q ( R D ) , α > 0 , 1 < q < , denote the space of Bessel potentials f = G α * g , g L q , with norm f α , q = g q . For α integer L α q can be identified with the Sobolev space H α , q .One can associate a potential theory to these spaces much in the same way as classical potential theory is associated to the space H 1 ; 2 , and a considerable part of the theory was carried over to this more general context around 1970. There were difficulties extending the theory of thin sets, however. By means of a new inequality, which characterizes the positive cone in the space...

Thin-shell concentration for convex measures

Matthieu Fradelizi, Olivier Guédon, Alain Pajor (2014)

Studia Mathematica

We prove that for s < 0, s-concave measures on ℝⁿ exhibit thin-shell concentration similar to the log-concave case. This leads to a Berry-Esseen type estimate for most of their one-dimensional marginal distributions. We also establish sharp reverse Hölder inequalities for s-concave measures.

Three spectral notions for representations of commutative Banach algebras

Yngve Domar, Lars-Ake Lindahl (1975)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let T be a bounded representation of a commutative Banach algebra B . The following spectral sets are studied. Λ 1 ( T ) : the Gelfand space of the quotient algebra B / Ker T . Λ 2 ( T ) : the Gelfand space of the operator algebra Im T . Λ 3 ( T ) : those characters φ of B for which the inequalities T b x - b ^ ( φ ) x &lt; ϵ x , b F , have a common solution x 0 , for any ϵ &gt; 0 and any finite subset F of B . A theorem of Beurling on the spectrum of L -functions and results of Slodkowski and Zelazko on joint topological divisors of zero appear as special cases of our theory by...

Three-space problems and bounded approximation properties

Wolfgang Lusky (2003)

Studia Mathematica

Let R n = 1 be a commuting approximating sequence of the Banach space X leaving the closed subspace A ⊂ X invariant. Then we prove three-space results of the following kind: If the operators Rₙ induce basis projections on X/A, and X or A is an p -space, then both X and A have bases. We apply these results to show that the spaces C Λ = s p a n ¯ z k : k Λ C ( ) and L Λ = s p a n ¯ z k : k Λ L ( ) have bases whenever Λ ⊂ ℤ and ℤ∖Λ is a Sidon set.

Three-space problems for the approximation property

A. Szankowski (2009)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

It is shown that there is a subspace Z q of q for 1 < q < 2 which is isomorphic to q such that q / Z q does not have the approximation property. On the other hand, for 2 < p < there is a subspace Y p of p such that Y p does not have the approximation property (AP) but the quotient space p / Y p is isomorphic to p . The result is obtained by defining random “Enflo-Davie spaces” Y p which with full probability fail AP for all 2 < p and have AP for all 1 p 2 . For 1 < p 2 , Y p are isomorphic to p .

Tight Embeddability of Proper and Stable Metric Spaces

F. Baudier, G. Lancien (2015)

Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces

We introduce the notions of almost Lipschitz embeddability and nearly isometric embeddability. We prove that for p ∈ [1,∞], every proper subset of Lp is almost Lipschitzly embeddable into a Banach space X if and only if X contains uniformly the ℓpn’s. We also sharpen a result of N. Kalton by showing that every stable metric space is nearly isometrically embeddable in the class of reflexive Banach spaces.

Currently displaying 821 – 840 of 1070