Schwartz spaces and compact holomorphic mappings.
We give characterizations of certain properties of continuous linear maps between Fréchet spaces, as well as topological properties on Fréchet spaces, in terms of generalizations of Behrends and Kadets small ball property.
In [2] W. Banaszczyk introduced nuclear groups, a Hausdorff variety of abelian topological groups which is generated by all nuclear vector groups (cf. 2.3) and which contains all nuclear vector spaces and all locally compact abelian groups. We prove in 5.6 that the Hausdorff variety generated by all nuclear vector spaces and all locally compact abelian groups (denoted by 𝒱₁) is strictly smaller than the Hausdorff variety of all nuclear groups (denoted by 𝒱₂). More precisely,...
We survey some recent developments in the theory of Fréchet spaces and of their duals. Among other things, Section 4 contains new, direct proofs of properties of, and results on, Fréchet spaces with the density condition, and Section 5 gives an account of the modern theory of general Köthe echelon and co-echelon spaces. The final section is devoted to the developments in tensor products of Fréchet spaces since the negative solution of Grothendieck?s ?problème des topologies?.
We define the ε-product of an εb-space by quotient bornological spaces and we show that if G is a Schwartz εb-space and E|F is a quotient bornological space, then their εc-product Gεc(E|F) defined in [2] is isomorphic to the quotient bornological space (GεE)|(GεF).
We will show that for each sequence of quasinormable Fréchet spaces there is a Köthe space λ such that and there are exact sequences of the form . If, for a fixed ℕ, is nuclear or a Köthe sequence space, the resolution above may be reduced to a short exact sequence of the form . The result has some applications in the theory of the functor in various categories of Fréchet spaces by providing a substitute for non-existing projective resolutions.