Displaying 281 – 300 of 375

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Some results in representable Banach spaces.

Miguel Angel Canela (1988)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Some results are presented, concerning a class of Banach spaces introduced by G. Godefroy and M. Talagrand, the representable Banach spaces. The main aspects considered here are the stability in forming tensor products, and the topological properties of the weak* dual unitball.

Spaces of compact operators on C ( 2 × [ 0 , α ] ) spaces

Elói Medina Galego (2011)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We classify, up to isomorphism, the spaces of compact operators (E,F), where E and F are the Banach spaces of all continuous functions defined on the compact spaces 2 × [ 0 , α ] , the topological products of Cantor cubes 2 and intervals of ordinal numbers [0,α].

Spaces of operators and c₀

P. Lewis (2001)

Studia Mathematica

Bessaga and Pełczyński showed that if c₀ embeds in the dual X* of a Banach space X, then ℓ¹ embeds complementably in X, and embeds as a subspace of X*. In this note the Diestel-Faires theorem and techniques of Kalton are used to show that if X is an infinite-dimensional Banach space, Y is an arbitrary Banach space, and c₀ embeds in L(X,Y), then embeds in L(X,Y), and ℓ¹ embeds complementably in X γ Y * . Applications to embeddings of c₀ in various spaces of operators are given.

Structure of Rademacher subspaces in Cesàro type spaces

Sergey V. Astashkin, Lech Maligranda (2015)

Studia Mathematica

The structure of the closed linear span of the Rademacher functions in the Cesàro space C e s is investigated. It is shown that every infinite-dimensional subspace of either is isomorphic to l₂ and uncomplemented in C e s , or contains a subspace isomorphic to c₀ and complemented in . The situation is rather different in the p-convexification of C e s if 1 < p < ∞.

Support functionals and smoothness in Musielak-Orlicz sequence spaces endowed with the Luxemburg norm

Henryk Hudzik, Yi Ning Ye (1990)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Support functionals in Musielak-Orlicz sequence spaces endowed with the Luxemburg norm are completely characterized. An explicit formula for regular support functionals is given. For obtaining a characterization of singular support functionals a generalized Banach limit is applied. Some necessary and sufficient conditions for smooothness of these spaces are given, too.

Currently displaying 281 – 300 of 375