Displaying 161 – 180 of 375

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Narrow operators (a survey)

Mikhail Popov (2011)

Banach Center Publications

Narrow operators are those operators defined on function spaces which are "small" at signs, i.e., at {-1,0,1}-valued functions. We summarize here some results and problems on them. One of the most interesting things is that if E has an unconditional basis then each operator on E is a sum of two narrow operators, while the sum of two narrow operators on L₁ is narrow. Recently this notion was generalized to vector lattices. This generalization explained the phenomena of sums: the set of all regular...

New extension of the variational McShane integral of vector-valued functions

Sokol Bush Kaliaj (2019)

Mathematica Bohemica

We define the Hake-variational McShane integral of Banach space valued functions defined on an open and bounded subset G of m -dimensional Euclidean space m . It is a “natural” extension of the variational McShane integral (the strong McShane integral) from m -dimensional closed non-degenerate intervals to open and bounded subsets of m . We will show a theorem that characterizes the Hake-variational McShane integral in terms of the variational McShane integral. This theorem reduces the study of our...

Non-containment of l1 in projective tensor products of Banach spaces.

J. C. Díaz Alcaide (1990)

Revista Matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Two properties on projective tensor products are introduced and briefly studied. We apply them to give sufficient conditions to assure the non-containment of l1 in a projective tensor product of Banach spaces.

Non-universal families of separable Banach spaces

Ondřej Kurka (2016)

Studia Mathematica

We prove that if 𝓒 is a family of separable Banach spaces which is analytic with respect to the Effros Borel structure and no X ∈ 𝓒 is isometrically universal for all separable Banach spaces, then there exists a separable Banach space with a monotone Schauder basis which is isometrically universal for 𝓒 but not for all separable Banach spaces. We also establish an analogous result for the class of strictly convex spaces.

Norm attaining operators versus bilinear forms.

Rafael Payá (1997)

Extracta Mathematicae

The well known Bishop-Phelps Theorem asserts that the set of norm attaining linear forms on a Banach space is dense in the dual space [3]. This note is an outline of recent results by Y. S. Choi [5] and C. Finet and the author [7], which clarify the relation between two different ways of extending this theorem.

Normal structure and weakly normal structure of Orlicz spaces

Shutao Chen, Yanzheng Duan (1991)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Every Orlicz space equipped with Orlicz norm has weak sum property, therefore, it has weakly normal structure and fixed point property. A criterion of sum property also of normal structure for such spaces is given as well, which shows that every Orlicz space has isonormal structure.

Note on bi-Lipschitz embeddings into normed spaces

Jiří Matoušek (1992)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let ( X , d ) , ( Y , ρ ) be metric spaces and f : X Y an injective mapping. We put f Lip = sup { ρ ( f ( x ) , f ( y ) ) / d ( x , y ) ; x , y X , x y } , and dist ( f ) = f Lip . f - 1 Lip (the distortion of the mapping f ). We investigate the minimum dimension N such that every n -point metric space can be embedded into the space N with a prescribed distortion D . We obtain that this is possible for N C ( log n ) 2 n 3 / D , where C is a suitable absolute constant. This improves a result of Johnson, Lindenstrauss and Schechtman [JLS87] (with a simpler proof). Related results for embeddability into p N are obtained by a similar method.

On complemented copies of c₀(ω₁) in C(Kⁿ) spaces

Leandro Candido, Piotr Koszmider (2016)

Studia Mathematica

Given a compact Hausdorff space K we consider the Banach space of real continuous functions C(Kⁿ) or equivalently the n-fold injective tensor product ̂ ε n C ( K ) or the Banach space of vector valued continuous functions C(K,C(K,C(K...,C(K)...). We address the question of the existence of complemented copies of c₀(ω₁) in ̂ ε n C ( K ) under the hypothesis that C(K) contains such a copy. This is related to the results of E. Saab and P. Saab that X ̂ ε Y contains a complemented copy of c₀ if one of the infinite-dimensional Banach...

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 375