Displaying 21 – 40 of 199

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Approximation properties determined by operator ideals and approximability of homogeneous polynomials and holomorphic functions

Sonia Berrios, Geraldo Botelho (2012)

Studia Mathematica

Given an operator ideal ℐ, a Banach space E has the ℐ-approximation property if the identity operator on E can be uniformly approximated on compact subsets of E by operators belonging to ℐ. In this paper the ℐ-approximation property is studied in projective tensor products, spaces of linear functionals, spaces of linear operators/homogeneous polynomials, spaces of holomorphic functions and their preduals.

Banach spaces in which all multilinear forms are weakly sequentially continuous

Jesús Castillo, Ricardo García, Raquel Gonzalo (1999)

Studia Mathematica

We solve several problems in the theory of polynomials in Banach spaces. (i) There exist Banach spaces without the Dunford-Pettis property and without upper p-estimates in which all multilinear forms are weakly sequentially continuous: some Lorentz sequence spaces, their natural preduals and, most notably, the dual of Schreier's space. (ii) There exist Banach spaces X without the Dunford-Pettis property such that all multilinear forms on X and X* are weakly sequentially continuous; this gives an...

Banach spaces of homogeneous polynomials without the approximation property

Seán Dineen, Jorge Mujica (2015)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We present simple proofs that spaces of homogeneous polynomials on L p [ 0 , 1 ] and p provide plenty of natural examples of Banach spaces without the approximation property. By giving necessary and sufficient conditions, our results bring to completion, at least for an important collection of Banach spaces, a circle of results begun in 1976 by R. Aron and M. Schottenloher (1976).

Banach spaces which admit a norm with the uniform Kadec-Klee property

S. Dilworth, Maria Girardi, Denka Kutzarova (1995)

Studia Mathematica

Several results are established about Banach spaces Ӿ which can be renormed to have the uniform Kadec-Klee property. It is proved that all such spaces have the complete continuity property. We show that the renorming property can be lifted from Ӿ to the Lebesgue-Bochner space L 2 ( Ӿ ) if and only if Ӿ is super-reflexive. A basis characterization of the renorming property for dual Banach spaces is given.

Binormality of Banach spaces

Petr Holický (1997)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We study binormality, a separation property of spaces endowed with two topologies known in the real analysis as the Luzin-Menchoff property. The main object of our interest are Banach spaces with their norm and weak topologies. We show that every separable Banach space is binormal and the space is not binormal.

Caractérisation Des Espaces 1-Matriciellement Normés

Le Merdy, Christian, Mezrag, Lahcéne (2002)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

Let X be a closed subspace of B(H) for some Hilbert space H. In [9], Pisier introduced Sp [X] (1 ≤ p ≤ +∞) by setting Sp [X] = (S∞ [X] , S1 [X])θ , (where θ =1/p , S∞ [X] = S∞ ⊗min X and S1 [X] = S1 ⊗∧ X) and showed that there are p−matricially normed spaces. In this paper we prove that conversely, if X is a p−matricially normed space with p = 1, then there is an operator structure on X, such that M1,n (X) = S1 [X] where Sn,1 [X] is the finite dimentional version of S1 [X]. For p...

Coincidence of topologies on tensor products of Köthe echelon spaces

J. Bonet, A. Defant, A. Peris, M. Ramanujan (1994)

Studia Mathematica

We investigate conditions under which the projective and the injective topologies coincide on the tensor product of two Köthe echelon or coechelon spaces. A major tool in the proof is the characterization of the επ-continuity of the tensor product of two diagonal operators from l p to l q . Several sharp forms of this result are also included.

Compact operators whose adjoints factor through subspaces of l p

Deba P. Sinha, Anil K. Karn (2002)

Studia Mathematica

For p ≥ 1, a subset K of a Banach space X is said to be relatively p-compact if K n = 1 α x : α B a l l ( l p ' ) , where p’ = p/(p-1) and x l p s ( X ) . An operator T ∈ B(X,Y) is said to be p-compact if T(Ball(X)) is relatively p-compact in Y. Similarly, weak p-compactness may be defined by considering x l p w ( X ) . It is proved that T is (weakly) p-compact if and only if T* factors through a subspace of l p in a particular manner. The normed operator ideals ( K p , κ p ) of p-compact operators and ( W p , ω p ) of weakly p-compact operators, arising from these factorizations,...

Complemented copies of p spaces in tensor products

Raffaella Cilia, Joaquín M. Gutiérrez (2007)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We give sufficient conditions on Banach spaces X and Y so that their projective tensor product X π Y , their injective tensor product X ϵ Y , or the dual ( X π Y ) * contain complemented copies of p .

Completely Continuous operators

Ioana Ghenciu, Paul Lewis (2012)

Colloquium Mathematicae

A Banach space X has the Dunford-Pettis property (DPP) provided that every weakly compact operator T from X to any Banach space Y is completely continuous (or a Dunford-Pettis operator). It is known that X has the DPP if and only if every weakly null sequence in X is a Dunford-Pettis subset of X. In this paper we give equivalent characterizations of Banach spaces X such that every weakly Cauchy sequence in X is a limited subset of X. We prove that every operator T: X → c₀ is completely continuous...

Complex rotundities and midpoint local uniform rotundity in symmetric spaces of measurable operators

Małgorzata Marta Czerwińska, Anna Kamińska (2010)

Studia Mathematica

We investigate the relationships between strongly extreme, complex extreme, and complex locally uniformly rotund points of the unit ball of a symmetric function space or a symmetric sequence space E, and of the unit ball of the space E(ℳ,τ) of τ-measurable operators associated to a semifinite von Neumann algebra (ℳ,τ) or of the unit ball in the unitary matrix space C E . We prove that strongly extreme, complex extreme, and complex locally uniformly rotund points x of the unit ball of the symmetric...

Complex Unconditional Metric Approximation Property for C Λ ( ) spaces

Daniel Li (1996)

Studia Mathematica

We study the Complex Unconditional Metric Approximation Property for translation invariant spaces C Λ ( ) of continuous functions on the circle group. We show that although some “tiny” (Sidon) sets do not have this property, there are “big” sets Λ for which C Λ ( ) has (ℂ-UMAP); though these sets are such that L Λ ( ) contains functions which are not continuous, we show that there is a linear invariant lifting from these L Λ ( ) spaces into the Baire class 1 functions.

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 199