Displaying 61 – 80 of 199

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Equivalences involving (p,q)-multi-norms

Oscar Blasco, H. G. Dales, Hung Le Pham (2014)

Studia Mathematica

We consider (p,q)-multi-norms and standard t-multi-norms based on Banach spaces of the form L r ( Ω ) , and resolve some question about the mutual equivalence of two such multi-norms. We introduce a new multi-norm, called the [p,q]-concave multi-norm, and relate it to the standard t-multi-norm.

Extension and lifting of weakly continuous polynomials

Raffaella Cilia, Joaquín M. Gutiérrez (2005)

Studia Mathematica

We show that a Banach space X is an ℒ₁-space (respectively, an -space) if and only if it has the lifting (respectively, the extension) property for polynomials which are weakly continuous on bounded sets. We also prove that X is an ℒ₁-space if and only if the space w b ( m X ) of m-homogeneous scalar-valued polynomials on X which are weakly continuous on bounded sets is an -space.

Extension of multilinear operators on Banach spaces.

Félix Cabello Sánchez, R. García, I. Villanueva (2000)

Extracta Mathematicae

These notes deal with the extension of multilinear operators on Banach spaces. The organization of the paper is as follows. In the first section we study the extension of the product on a Banach algebra to the bidual and some related structures including modules and derivations. Tha approach is elementary and uses the classical Arens' technique. Actually most of the results of section 1 can be easily derived from section 2. In section 2 we consider the problem of extending multilinear forms on a...

Finite rank approximation and semidiscreteness for linear operators

Christian Le Merdy (1999)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Given a completely bounded map u : Z M from an operator space Z into a von Neumann algebra (or merely a unital dual algebra) M , we define u to be C -semidiscrete if for any operator algebra A , the tensor operator I A u is bounded from A min Z into A nor M , with norm less than C . We investigate this property and characterize it by suitable approximation properties, thus generalizing the Choi-Effros characterization of semidiscrete von Neumann algebras. Our work is an extension of some recent work of Pisier on an analogous...

Ideals of finite rank operators, intersection properties of balls, and the approximation property

Åsvald Lima, Eve Oja (1999)

Studia Mathematica

We characterize the approximation property of Banach spaces and their dual spaces by the position of finite rank operators in the space of compact operators. In particular, we show that a Banach space E has the approximation property if and only if for all closed subspaces F of c 0 , the space ℱ(F,E) of finite rank operators from F to E has the n-intersection property in the corresponding space K(F,E) of compact operators for all n, or equivalently, ℱ(F,E) is an ideal in K(F,E).

Ideals of homogeneous polynomials and weakly compact approximation property in Banach spaces

Erhan Çalışkan (2007)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We show that a Banach space E has the weakly compact approximation property if and only if each continuous Banach-valued polynomial on E can be uniformly approximated on compact sets by homogeneous polynomials which are members of the ideal of homogeneous polynomials generated by weakly compact linear operators. An analogous result is established also for the compact approximation property.

Isomorphic properties in spaces of compact operators

Ioana Ghenciu (2023)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We introduce the definition of p -limited completely continuous operators, 1 p < . The question of whether a space of operators has the property that every p -limited subset is relative compact when the dual of the domain and the codomain have this property is studied using p -limited completely continuous evaluation operators.

Johnson's projection, Kalton's property (M*), and M-ideals of compact operators

Olav Nygaard, Märt Põldvere (2009)

Studia Mathematica

Let X and Y be Banach spaces. We give a “non-separable” proof of the Kalton-Werner-Lima-Oja theorem that the subspace (X,X) of compact operators forms an M-ideal in the space (X,X) of all continuous linear operators from X to X if and only if X has Kalton’s property (M*) and the metric compact approximation property. Our proof is a quick consequence of two main results. First, we describe how Johnson’s projection P on (X,Y)* applies to f ∈ (X,Y)* when f is represented via a Borel (with respect to...

L -limited-like properties on Banach spaces

Ioana Ghenciu (2023)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We study weakly precompact sets and operators. We show that an operator is weakly precompact if and only if its adjoint is pseudo weakly compact. We study Banach spaces with the p - L -limited * and the p -(SR * ) properties and characterize these classes of Banach spaces in terms of p - L -limited * and p -Right * subsets. The p - L -limited * property is studied in some spaces of operators.

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 199