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Lipschitz-free Banach spaces

G. Godefroy, N. J. Kalton (2003)

Studia Mathematica

We show that when a linear quotient map to a separable Banach space X has a Lipschitz right inverse, then it has a linear right inverse. If a separable space X embeds isometrically into a Banach space Y, then Y contains an isometric linear copy of X. This is false for every nonseparable weakly compactly generated Banach space X. Canonical examples of nonseparable Banach spaces which are Lipschitz isomorphic but not linearly isomorphic are constructed. If a Banach space X has the bounded approximation...

Little G. T. for lp-lattice summing operators

Mezrag, Lahcène (2006)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B28, 47D15.In this paper we introduce and study the lp-lattice summing operators in the category of operator spaces which are the analogous of p-lattice summing operators in the commutative case. We study some interesting characterizations of this type of operators which generalize the results of Nielsen and Szulga and we show that Λ l∞( B(H) ,OH) ≠ Λ l2( B( H) ,OH), in opposition to the commutative case.

Local properties of accessible injective operator ideals

F. Oertel (1998)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In addition to Pisier’s counterexample of a non-accessible maximal Banach ideal, we will give a large class of maximal Banach ideals which are accessible. The first step is implied by the observation that a “good behaviour” of trace duality, which is canonically induced by conjugate operator ideals can be extended to adjoint Banach ideals, if and only if these adjoint ideals satisfy an accessibility condition (theorem 3.1). This observation leads in a natural way to a characterization of accessible...

M -ideals of compact operators into p

Kamil John, Dirk Werner (2000)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We show for 2 p < and subspaces X of quotients of L p with a 1 -unconditional finite-dimensional Schauder decomposition that K ( X , p ) is an M -ideal in L ( X , p ) .

M ( r , s ) -ideals of compact operators

Rainis Haller, Marje Johanson, Eve Oja (2012)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We study the position of compact operators in the space of all continuous linear operators and its subspaces in terms of ideals. One of our main results states that for Banach spaces X and Y the subspace of all compact operators 𝒦 ( X , Y ) is an M ( r 1 r 2 , s 1 s 2 ) -ideal in the space of all continuous linear operators ( X , Y ) whenever 𝒦 ( X , X ) and 𝒦 ( Y , Y ) are M ( r 1 , s 1 ) - and M ( r 2 , s 2 ) -ideals in ( X , X ) and ( Y , Y ) , respectively, with r 1 + s 1 / 2 > 1 and r 2 + s 2 / 2 > 1 . We also prove that the M ( r , s ) -ideal 𝒦 ( X , Y ) in ( X , Y ) is separably determined. Among others, our results complete and improve some well-known results...

M-complete approximate identities in operator spaces

A. Arias, H. Rosenthal (2000)

Studia Mathematica

This work introduces the concept of an M-complete approximate identity (M-cai) for a given operator subspace X of an operator space Y. M-cai’s generalize central approximate identities in ideals in C*-algebras, for it is proved that if X admits an M-cai in Y, then X is a complete M-ideal in Y. It is proved, using ’special’ M-cai’s, that if J is a nuclear ideal in a C*-algebra A, then J is completely complemented in Y for any (isomorphically) locally reflexive operator space Y with J ⊂ Y ⊂ A and...

Metric unconditionality and Fourier analysis

Stefan Neuwirth (1998)

Studia Mathematica

We investigate several aspects of almost 1-unconditionality. We characterize the metric unconditional approximation property (umap) in terms of “block unconditionality”. Then we focus on translation invariant subspaces L E p ( ) and C E ( ) of functions on the circle and express block unconditionality as arithmetical conditions on E. Our work shows that the spaces p E ( ) , p an even integer, have a singular behaviour from the almost isometric point of view: property (umap) does not interpolate between L E p ( ) and L E p + 2 ( ) . These...

M-weak and L-weak compactness of b-weakly compact operators

J. H'Michane, A. El Kaddouri, K. Bouras, M. Moussa (2013)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We characterize Banach lattices under which each b-weakly compact (resp. b-AM-compact, strong type (B)) operator is L-weakly compact (resp. M-weakly compact).

Non-containment of l1 in projective tensor products of Banach spaces.

J. C. Díaz Alcaide (1990)

Revista Matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Two properties on projective tensor products are introduced and briefly studied. We apply them to give sufficient conditions to assure the non-containment of l1 in a projective tensor product of Banach spaces.

Norm attaining and numerical radius attaining operators.

María D. Acosta, Rafael Payá (1989)

Revista Matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

In this note we discuss some results on numerical radius attaining operators paralleling earlier results on norm attaining operators. For arbitrary Banach spaces X and Y, the set of (bounded, linear) operators from X to Y whose adjoints attain their norms is norm-dense in the space of all operators. This theorem, due to W. Zizler, improves an earlier result by J. Lindenstrauss on the denseness of operators whose second adjoints attain their norms, and is also related to a recent result by C. Stegall...

Norm attaining multilinear forms and polynomials on preduals of Lorentz sequence spaces

M. Jimenéz Sevilla, Rafael Payá (1998)

Studia Mathematica

For each natural number N, we give an example of a Banach space X such that the set of norm attaining N-linear forms is dense in the space of all continuous N-linear forms on X, but there are continuous (N+1)-linear forms on X which cannot be approximated by norm attaining (N+1)-linear forms. Actually,X is the canonical predual of a suitable Lorentz sequence space. We also get the analogous result for homogeneous polynomials.

Norm attaining operators versus bilinear forms.

Rafael Payá (1997)

Extracta Mathematicae

The well known Bishop-Phelps Theorem asserts that the set of norm attaining linear forms on a Banach space is dense in the dual space [3]. This note is an outline of recent results by Y. S. Choi [5] and C. Finet and the author [7], which clarify the relation between two different ways of extending this theorem.

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 199