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Embeddings of Besov spaces of logarithmic smoothness

Fernando Cobos, Óscar Domínguez (2014)

Studia Mathematica

This paper deals with Besov spaces of logarithmic smoothness B p , r 0 , b formed by periodic functions. We study embeddings of B p , r 0 , b into Lorentz-Zygmund spaces L p , q ( l o g L ) β . Our techniques rely on the approximation structure of B p , r 0 , b , Nikol’skiĭ type inequalities, extrapolation properties of L p , q ( l o g L ) β and interpolation.

Equivalence Between K-functionals Based on Continuous Linear Transforms

Draganov, Borislav, Ivanov, Kamen (2007)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B70, 41A10, 41A25, 41A27, 41A35, 41A36, 42A10.The paper presents a method of relating two K-functionals by means of a continuous linear transform of the function. In particular, a characterization of various weighted K-functionals by unweighted fixed-step moduli of smoothness is derived. This is applied in estimating the rate of convergence of several approximation processes.Partially supported by grant No. 103/2007 of the National Science Fund of the Sofia University....

Estimates for maximal singular integrals

Loukas Grafakos (2003)

Colloquium Mathematicae

It is shown that maximal truncations of nonconvolution L²-bounded singular integral operators with kernels satisfying Hörmander’s condition are weak type (1,1) and L p -bounded for 1 < p< ∞. Under stronger smoothness conditions, such estimates can be obtained using a generalization of Cotlar’s inequality. This inequality is not applicable here and the point of this article is to treat the boundedness of such maximal singular integral operators in an alternative way.

Estimation of the position of intermediate spaces for a Banach couple

Evgenii Pustylnik (1993)

Studia Mathematica

The position of intermediate spaces for a Banach couple is estimated with the help of its fundamental function and co-function. We study the completeness of the collection of all such functions, and the methods of calculating and estimating them for different couples. Finally, these functions are used to compare the position of spaces obtained under the action of some interpolation functors.

Extreme cases of weak type interpolation.

Evgeniy Pustylnik (2005)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

We consider quasilinear operators T of joint weak type (a, b; p, q) (in the sense of [2]) and study their properties on spaces Lφ,E with the norm||φ(t) f*(t)||Ê, where Ê is arbitrary rearrangement-invariant space with respect to the measure dt/t. A space Lφ,E is said to be "close" to one of the endpoints of interpolation if the corresponding Boyd index of this space is equal to 1/a or to 1/p. For all possible kinds of such "closeness", we give sharp estimates for the function ψ(t) so as to obtain...

Fourier analysis, Schur multipliers on S p and non-commutative Λ(p)-sets

Asma Harcharras (1999)

Studia Mathematica

This work deals with various questions concerning Fourier multipliers on L p , Schur multipliers on the Schatten class S p as well as their completely bounded versions when L p and S p are viewed as operator spaces. For this purpose we use subsets of ℤ enjoying the non-commutative Λ(p)-property which is a new analytic property much stronger than the classical Λ(p)-property. We start by studying the notion of non-commutative Λ(p)-sets in the general case of an arbitrary discrete group before turning to the...

Fractional powers of operators, K-functionals, Ulyanov inequalities

Walter Trebels, Ursula Westphal (2010)

Banach Center Publications

Given an equibounded (₀)-semigroup of linear operators with generator A on a Banach space X, a functional calculus, due to L. Schwartz, is briefly sketched to explain fractional powers of A. Then the (modified) K-functional with respect to ( X , D ( ( - A ) α ) ) , α > 0, is characterized via the associated resolvent R(λ;A). Under the assumption that the resolvent satisfies a Nikolskii type inequality, | | λ R ( λ ; A ) f | | Y c φ ( 1 / λ ) | | f | | X , for a suitable Banach space Y, an Ulyanov inequality is derived. This will be of interest if one has good control...

Generalized Fock spaces, interpolation, multipliers, circle geometry.

Jaak Peetre, Sundaram Thangavelu, Nils-Olof Wallin (1996)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

By a (generalized) Fock space we understand a Hilbert space of entire analytic functions in the complex plane C which are square integrable with respect to a weight of the type e-Q(z), where Q(z) is a quadratic form such that tr Q &gt; 0. Each such space is in a natural way associated with an (oriented) circle C in C. We consider the problem of interpolation between two Fock spaces. If C0 and C1 are the corresponding circles, one is led to consider the pencil of circles generated by C0 and C1....

Generalized Lions-Peetre methods of constants and means and operator ideals.

Antonio Manzano, Mieczyslaw Mastylo (2007)

Collectanea Mathematica

We establish results on interpolation of Rosenthal operators, Banach-Saks operators, Asplund operators and weakly compact operators by means of generalized Lions-Peetre methods of constants and means. Applications are presented for the K-method space generated by the Calderón-Lozanovskii space parameters.

H functional calculus in real interpolation spaces

Giovanni Dore (1999)

Studia Mathematica

Let A be a linear closed densely defined operator in a complex Banach space X. If A is of type ω (i.e. the spectrum of A is contained in a sector of angle 2ω, symmetric around the real positive axis, and λ ( λ I - A ) - 1 is bounded outside every larger sector) and has a bounded inverse, then A has a bounded H functional calculus in the real interpolation spaces between X and the domain of the operator itself.

H functional calculus in real interpolation spaces, II

Giovanni Dore (2001)

Studia Mathematica

Let A be a linear closed one-to-one operator in a complex Banach space X, having dense domain and dense range. If A is of type ω (i.e.the spectrum of A is contained in a sector of angle 2ω, symmetric about the real positive axis, and | | λ ( λ I - A ) - 1 | | is bounded outside every larger sector), then A has a bounded H functional calculus in the real interpolation spaces between X and the intersection of the domain and the range of the operator itself.

H¹ and BMO for certain locally doubling metric measure spaces of finite measure

Andrea Carbonaro, Giancarlo Mauceri, Stefano Meda (2010)

Colloquium Mathematicae

In a previous paper the authors developed an H¹-BMO theory for unbounded metric measure spaces (M,ρ,μ) of infinite measure that are locally doubling and satisfy two geometric properties, called “approximate midpoint” property and “isoperimetric” property. In this paper we develop a similar theory for spaces of finite measure. We prove that all the results that hold in the infinite measure case have their counterparts in the finite measure case. Finally, we show that the theory applies to a class...

Harmonic analysis of the space BV.

Albert Cohen, Wolfgang Dahmen, Ingrid Daubechies, Ronald DeVore (2003)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

We establish new results on the space BV of functions with bounded variation. While it is well known that this space admits no unconditional basis, we show that it is almost characterized by wavelet expansions in the following sense: if a function f is in BV, its coefficient sequence in a BV normalized wavelet basis satisfies a class of weak-l1 type estimates. These weak estimates can be employed to prove many interesting results. We use them to identify the interpolation spaces between BV and Sobolev...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 165