estimates for the Cauchy transforms of distributions with respect to convex cones
Several representations of the space of Laplace ultradistributions supported by a half line are given. A strong version of the quasi-analyticity principle of Phragmén-Lindelöf type is derived.
The space of Laplace ultradistributions supported by a convex proper cone is introduced. The Seeley type extension theorem for ultradifferentiable functions is proved. The Paley-Wiener-Schwartz type theorem for Laplace ultradistributions is shown. As an application, the structure theorem and the kernel theorem for this space of ultradistributions are given.
We collect and extend results on the limit of as σ → 0⁺ or σ → 1¯, where Ω is ℝⁿ or a smooth bounded domain, k ∈ 0,1, l ∈ ℕ, p ∈ [1,∞), and is the intrinsic seminorm of order l+σ in the Sobolev space . In general, the above limit is equal to , where c and [·] are, respectively, a constant and a seminorm that we explicitly provide. The particular case p = 2 for Ω = ℝⁿ is also examined and the results are then proved by using the Fourier transform.
In the paper existence and uniqueness results for the linear differential system on the interval [0,1] with distributional coefficients and solutions from the space of regulated functions are obtained.
The paper deals with the linear differential equation (0.1) with distributional coefficients and solutions from the space of regulated functions. Our aim is to get the basic existence and uniqueness results for the equation (0.1) and to generalize the known results due to F. V. Atkinson [At], J. Ligeza [Li1]-[Li3], R. Pfaff ([Pf1], [Pf2]), A. B. Mingarelli [Mi] as well as the results from the paper [Pe-Tv] concerning the equation (0.1).