Paley-Wiener theorems for the Mellin transformation
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A family of formal solutions of some type of nonlinear partial differential equations is found. Terms of such solutions are Laplace transforms of some Laplace distributions. The series of these distributions are locally finite.
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Given a distribution on the sphere we define, in analogy to the work of Łojasiewicz, the value of at a point of the sphere and we show that if has the value at , then the Fourier-Laplace series of at is Abel-summable to .
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We consider the multiplicative algebra P(𝒢₊') of continuous scalar polynomials on the space 𝒢₊' of Roumieu ultradistributions on [0,∞) as well as its strong dual P'(𝒢₊'). The algebra P(𝒢₊') is densely embedded into P'(𝒢₊') and the operation of multiplication possesses a unique extension to P'(𝒢₊'), that is, P'(𝒢₊') is also an algebra. The operation of differentiation on these algebras is investigated. The polynomially extended Laplace transformation and its connections with the differentiation...
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