On innerness of derivations on .
We present several notions of joint spectral radius of mutually commuting elements of a locally convex algebra and prove that all of them yield the same value in case the algebra is pseudo-complete. This generalizes a result proved by the author in 1993 for elements of a Banach algebra.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 46H05, 46H20; Secondary 46M20.Every unital "combinatorially regular" commutative uniform complete locally m-convex algebra is local.
It is a survey talk concerning locally bounded algebras.
Let A be an algebra over the field of complex numbers with a (Hausdorff) topology given by a family Q = {qλ|λ ∈ Λ} of square preserving rλ-homogeneous seminorms (rλ ∈ (0, 1]). We shall show that (A, T(Q)) is a locally m-convex algebra. Furthermore we shall show that A is commutative.
We characterize elements in a semisimple Banach algebra which are quasinilpotent equivalent to maximal finite rank elements.
Let a real Banach algebra A with unit be ordered by an algebra cone K. We study the elements a ∈ A with exp(ta) ∈ K, t≥ 0.
We give a spectral characterisation of rank one elements and of the socle of a semisimple Banach algebra.
Without the "scarcity lemma", two kinds of "rank one elements" are identified in semisimple Banach algebras.
We investigate the relationship between the regularities and the Fredholm theory in a Banach algebra.