Approximate and weak amenability of certain Banach algebras
The notions of approximate amenability and weak amenability in Banach algebras are formally stronger than that of approximate weak amenability. We demonstrate an example confirming that approximate weak amenability is indeed actually weaker than either approximate or weak amenability themselves. As a consequence, we examine the (failure of) approximate amenability for -sums of finite-dimensional normed algebras.
Approximate biflatness and Johnson pseudo-contractibility of some Banach algebras
We study the structure of Lipschitz algebras under the notions of approximate biflatness and Johnson pseudo-contractibility. We show that for a compact metric space , the Lipschitz algebras and are approximately biflat if and only if is finite, provided that . We give a necessary and sufficient condition that a vector-valued Lipschitz algebras is Johnson pseudo-contractible. We also show that some triangular Banach algebras are not approximately biflat.
Approximate point joint spectra and multiplicative functionals
Arens regularity of module actions
We study the Arens regularity of module actions of Banach left or right modules over Banach algebras. We prove that if has a brai (blai), then the right (left) module action of on * is Arens regular if and only if is reflexive. We find that Arens regularity is implied by the factorization of * or ** when is a left or a right ideal in **. The Arens regularity and strong irregularity of are related to those of the module actions of on the nth dual of . Banach algebras for which Z( **) = but are...
Arens Semi-Regular Banach Algebras.
Beurling algebras on locally compact groups, tensor products, and multipliers
Bivariant -theory for locally convex algebras and the Chern-Connes character. (Bivariante -Theorie für lokalconvexe Algebren und der Chern-Connes-Charakter.)
Boundary values of analytic semigroups and associated norm estimates
The theory of quasimultipliers in Banach algebras is developed in order to provide a mechanism for defining the boundary values of analytic semigroups on a sector in the complex plane. Then, some methods are presented for deriving lower estimates for operators defined in terms of quasinilpotent semigroups using techniques from the theory of complex analysis.
Can ever be amenable?
It is known that is not amenable for p = 1,2,∞, but whether or not is amenable for p ∈ (1,∞) ∖ 2 is an open problem. We show that, if is amenable for p ∈ (1,∞), then so are and . Moreover, if is amenable so is for any index set and for any infinite-dimensional -space E; in particular, if is amenable for p ∈ (1,∞), then so is . We show that is not amenable for p = 1,∞, but also that our methods fail us if p ∈ (1,∞). Finally, for p ∈ (1,2) and a free ultrafilter over ℕ, we exhibit...
Caracterisations Des Q-Algebres Localement Multiplicativement Convexes
Character Connes amenability of dual Banach algebras
We study the notion of character Connes amenability of dual Banach algebras and show that if is an Arens regular Banach algebra, then is character Connes amenable if and only if is character amenable, which will resolve positively Runde’s problem for this concept of amenability. We then characterize character Connes amenability of various dual Banach algebras related to locally compact groups. We also investigate character Connes amenability of Lau product and module extension of Banach algebras....
Character inner amenability of certain Banach algebras
Character inner amenability for a certain class of Banach algebras including projective tensor products, Lau products and module extensions is investigated. Some illuminating examples are given.
Close CSL algebras are similar.
Commutative, radical amenable Banach algebras
There has been a considerable search for radical, amenable Banach algebras. Noncommutative examples were finally found by Volker Runde [R]; here we present the first commutative examples. Centrally placed within the construction, the reader may be pleased to notice a reprise of the undergraduate argument that shows that a normed space with totally bounded unit ball is finite-dimensional; we use the same idea (approximate the norm 1 vector x within distance η by a “good” vector ; then approximate...
Concerning entire functions in -algebras
We construct a non-m-convex non-commutative -algebra on which all entire functions operate. Our example is also a Q-algebra and a radical algebra. It follows that some results true in the commutative case fail in general.
Constructions preserving -weak amenability of Banach algebras
A surjective bounded homomorphism fails to preserve -weak amenability, in general. We however show that it preserves the property if the involved homomorphism enjoys a right inverse. We examine this fact for certain homomorphisms on several Banach algebras.
Continuous characters and joint topological spectrum
Contractible quantum Arens-Michael algebras
We consider quantum analogues of locally convex spaces in terms of the non-coordinate approach. We introduce the notions of a quantum Arens-Michael algebra and a quantum polynormed module, and also quantum versions of projectivity and contractibility. We prove that a quantum Arens-Michael algebra is contractible if and only if it is completely isomorphic to a Cartesian product of full matrix C*-algebras. Similar results in the framework of traditional (non-quantum) approach are established, at the...
Divisible subspaces and problems of automatic continuity