Displaying 461 – 480 of 939

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Multiplicative functionals and entire functions

Krzysztof Jarosz (1996)

Studia Mathematica

Let A be a complex Banach algebra with a unit e, let T, φ be continuous functionals, where T is linear, and let F be a nonlinear entire function. If T ∘ F = F ∘ φ and T(e) = 1 then T is multiplicative.

Multiplicative functionals and entire functions, II

Krzysztof Jarosz (1997)

Studia Mathematica

Let A be a complex Banach algebra with a unit e, let F be a nonconstant entire function, and let T be a linear functional with T(e)=1 and such that T∘F: A → ℂ is nonsurjective. Then T is multiplicative.

Nice connecting paths in connected components of sets of algebraic elements in a Banach algebra

Endre Jr. Makai, Jaroslav Zemánek (2016)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Generalizing earlier results about the set of idempotents in a Banach algebra, or of self-adjoint idempotents in a C * -algebra, we announce constructions of nice connecting paths in the connected components of the set of elements in a Banach algebra, or of self-adjoint elements in a C * -algebra, that satisfy a given polynomial equation, without multiple roots. In particular, we prove that in the Banach algebra case every such non-central element lies on a complex line, all of whose points satisfy the...

Nil, nilpotent and PI-algebras

Vladimír Müller (1994)

Banach Center Publications

The notions of nil, nilpotent or PI-rings (= rings satisfying a polynomial identity) play an important role in ring theory (see e.g. [8], [11], [20]). Banach algebras with these properties have been studied considerably less and the existing results are scattered in the literature. The only exception is the work of Krupnik [13], where the Gelfand theory of Banach PI-algebras is presented. However, even this work has not get so much attention as it deserves. The present paper...

Nilpotent elements and solvable actions.

Mihai Sabac (1996)

Collectanea Mathematica

In what follows we shall describe, in terms of some commutation properties, a method which gives nilpotent elements. Using this method we shall describe the irreducibility for Lie algebras which have Levi-Malçev decomposition property.

(Non-)amenability of ℬ(E)

Volker Runde (2010)

Banach Center Publications

In 1972, the late B. E. Johnson introduced the notion of an amenable Banach algebra and asked whether the Banach algebra ℬ(E) of all bounded linear operators on a Banach space E could ever be amenable if dim E = ∞. Somewhat surprisingly, this question was answered positively only very recently as a by-product of the Argyros-Haydon result that solves the “scalar plus compact problem”: there is an infinite-dimensional Banach space E, the dual of which is ℓ¹, such that ( E ) = ( E ) + i d E . Still, ℬ(ℓ²) is not amenable,...

Nonassociative normed algebras: geometric aspects

Angel Rodríguez Palacios (1994)

Banach Center Publications

Introduction. The aim of this paper is to review some relevant results concerning the geometry of nonassociative normed algebras, without assuming in the first instance that such algebras satisfy any familiar identity, like associativity, commutativity, or Jordan axiom. In the opinion of the author, the most impressive fact in this direction is that most of the celebrated natural geometric conditions that can be required for associative normed algebras, when imposed on a general nonassociative...

Nonassociative real H*-algebras.

Miguel Cabrera, José Martínez Aroza, Angel Rodríguez Palacios (1988)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

We prove that, if A denotes a topologically simple real (non-associative) H*-algebra, then either A is a topologically simple complex H*-algebra regarded as real H*-algebra or there is a topologically simple complex H*-algebra B with *-involution τ such that A = {b ∈ B : τ(b) = b*}. Using this, we obtain our main result, namely: (algebraically) isomorphic topologically simple real H*-algebras are actually *-isometrically isomorphic.

Currently displaying 461 – 480 of 939