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Hilbert C*-modules from group actions: beyond the finite orbits case

Michael Frank, Vladimir Manuilov, Evgenij Troitsky (2010)

Studia Mathematica

Continuous actions of topological groups on compact Hausdorff spaces X are investigated which induce almost periodic functions in the corresponding commutative C*-algebra. The unique invariant mean on the group resulting from averaging allows one to derive a C*-valued inner product and a Hilbert C*-module which serve as an environment to describe characteristics of the group action. For Lyapunov stable actions the derived invariant mean M ( ϕ x ) is continuous on X for any ϕ ∈ C(X), and the induced C*-valued...

Locally convex quasi C*-algebras and noncommutative integration

Camillo Trapani, Salvatore Triolo (2015)

Studia Mathematica

We continue the analysis undertaken in a series of previous papers on structures arising as completions of C*-algebras under topologies coarser that their norm topology and we focus our attention on the so-called locally convex quasi C*-algebras. We show, in particular, that any strongly *-semisimple locally convex quasi C*-algebra (𝔛,𝔄₀) can be represented in a class of noncommutative local L²-spaces.

Maximality of dual coactions on sectional C*-algebras of Fell bundles and applications

Alcides Buss, Siegfried Echterhoff (2015)

Studia Mathematica

We give a simple proof of the maximality of dual coactions on full cross-sectional C*-algebras of Fell bundles over locally compact groups. This result was only known for discrete groups or for saturated (separable) Fell bundles over locally compact groups. Our proof, which is derived as an application of the theory of universal generalised fixed-point algebras for weakly proper actions, is different from these previously known cases and works for general Fell bundles over locally compact groups....

Metrics in the sphere of a C*-module

Esteban Andruchow, Alejandro Varela (2007)

Open Mathematics

Given a unital C*-algebra 𝒜 and a right C*-module 𝒳 over 𝒜 , we consider the problem of finding short smooth curves in the sphere 𝒮 𝒳 = x ∈ 𝒳 : 〈x, x〉 = 1. Curves in 𝒮 𝒳 are measured considering the Finsler metric which consists of the norm of 𝒳 at each tangent space of 𝒮 𝒳 . The initial value problem is solved, for the case when 𝒜 is a von Neumann algebra and 𝒳 is selfdual: for any element x 0 ∈ 𝒮 𝒳 and any tangent vector ν at x 0, there exists a curve γ(t) = e tZ(x 0), Z ∈ 𝒜 ( 𝒳 ) , Z* = −Z and ∥Z∥ ≤ π, such...

Moore-Penrose inverses of Gram operators on Hilbert C*-modules

M. S. Moslehian, K. Sharif, M. Forough, M. Chakoshi (2012)

Studia Mathematica

Let t be a regular operator between Hilbert C*-modules and t be its Moore-Penrose inverse. We investigate the Moore-Penrose invertibility of the Gram operator t*t. More precisely, we study some conditions ensuring that t = ( t * t ) t * = t * ( t t * ) and ( t * t ) = t t * . As an application, we get some results for densely defined closed operators on Hilbert C*-modules over C*-algebras of compact operators.

Murphy's "Positive definite kernels and Hilbert C*-modules" reorganized

Franciszek Hugon Szafraniec (2010)

Banach Center Publications

The paper the title refers to is that in Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, 40 (1997), 367-374. Taking it as an excuse we intend to realize a twofold purpose: 1° to atomize that important result showing by the way connections which are out of favour, 2° to rectify a tiny piece of history. The objective 1° is going to be achieved by adopting means adequate to goals; it is of great gravity and this is just Mathematics. The other, 2°, comes...

On a generalization of W*-modules

David P. Blecher, Jon E. Kraus (2010)

Banach Center Publications

a recent paper of the first author and Kashyap, a new class of Banach modules over dual operator algebras is introduced. These generalize the W*-modules (that is, Hilbert C*-modules over a von Neumann algebra which satisfy an analogue of the Riesz representation theorem for Hilbert spaces), which in turn generalize Hilbert spaces. In the present paper, we describe these modules, giving some motivation, and we prove several new results about them.

On multipliers of Hilbert modules over pro-C*-algebras

Maria Joiţa (2008)

Studia Mathematica

We investigate the structure of the multiplier module of a Hilbert module over a pro-C*-algebra and the relationship between the set of all adjointable operators from a Hilbert A-module E to a Hilbert A-module F and the set of all adjointable operators from the multiplier module M(E) to M(F).

Open partial isometries and positivity in operator spaces

David P. Blecher, Matthew Neal (2007)

Studia Mathematica

We first study positivity in C*-modules using tripotents ( = partial isometries) which are what we call open. This is then used to study ordered operator spaces via an "ordered noncommutative Shilov boundary" which we introduce. This boundary satisfies the usual universal diagram/property of the noncommutative Shilov boundary, but with all the arrows completely positive. Because of their independent interest, we also systematically study open tripotents and their properties.

Open projections in operator algebras I: Comparison theory

David P. Blecher, Matthew Neal (2012)

Studia Mathematica

We begin a program of generalizing basic elements of the theory of comparison, equivalence, and subequivalence, of elements in C*-algebras, to the setting of more general algebras. In particular, we follow the recent lead of Lin, Ortega, Rørdam, and Thiel of studying these equivalences, etc., in terms of open projections or module isomorphisms. We also define and characterize a new class of inner ideals in operator algebras, and develop a matching theory of open partial isometries in operator ideals...

Operator matrix of Moore-Penrose inverse operators on Hilbert C*-modules

Mehdi Mohammadzadeh Karizaki, Mahmoud Hassani, Maryam Amyari, Maryam Khosravi (2015)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We show that the Moore-Penrose inverse of an operator T is idempotent if and only if it is a product of two projections. Furthermore, if P and Q are two projections, we find a relation between the entries of the associated operator matrix of PQ and the entries of associated operator matrix of the Moore-Penrose inverse of PQ in a certain orthogonal decomposition of Hilbert C*-modules.

Orthogonally additive mappings on Hilbert modules

Dijana Ilišević, Aleksej Turnšek, Dilian Yang (2014)

Studia Mathematica

We study the representation of orthogonally additive mappings acting on Hilbert C*-modules and Hilbert H*-modules. One of our main results shows that every continuous orthogonally additive mapping f from a Hilbert module W over 𝓚(𝓗) or 𝓗𝓢(𝓗) to a complex normed space is of the form f(x) = T(x) + Φ(⟨x,x⟩) for all x ∈ W, where T is a continuous additive mapping, and Φ is a continuous linear mapping.

Projectively invariant Hilbert-Schmidt kernels and convolution type operators

Jaeseong Heo (2012)

Studia Mathematica

We consider positive definite kernels which are invariant under a multiplier and an action of a semigroup with involution, and construct the associated projective isometric representation on a Hilbert C*-module. We introduce the notion of C*-valued Hilbert-Schmidt kernels associated with two sequences and construct the corresponding reproducing Hilbert C*-module. We also discuss projective invariance of Hilbert-Schmidt kernels. We prove that the range of a convolution type operator associated with...

Quadratic functionals on modules over complex Banach *-algebras with an approximate identity

Dijana Ilišević (2005)

Studia Mathematica

The problem of representability of quadratic functionals by sesquilinear forms is studied in this article in the setting of a module over an algebra that belongs to a certain class of complex Banach *-algebras with an approximate identity. That class includes C*-algebras as well as H*-algebras and their trace classes. Each quadratic functional acting on such a module can be represented by a unique sesquilinear form. That form generally takes values in a larger algebra than the given quadratic functional...

Quasi *-algebras of measurable operators

Fabio Bagarello, Camillo Trapani, Salvatore Triolo (2006)

Studia Mathematica

Non-commutative L p -spaces are shown to constitute examples of a class of Banach quasi *-algebras called CQ*-algebras. For p ≥ 2 they are also proved to possess a sufficient family of bounded positive sesquilinear forms with certain invariance properties. CQ*-algebras of measurable operators over a finite von Neumann algebra are also constructed and it is proven that any abstract CQ*-algebra (,₀) with a sufficient family of bounded positive tracial sesquilinear forms can be represented as a CQ*-algebra...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 51