operators between normed spaces
For a class of non-selfadjoint –pseudodifferential operators with double characteristics, we give a precise description of the spectrum and establish accurate semiclassical resolvent estimates in a neighborhood of the origin. Specifically, assuming that the quadratic approximations of the principal symbol of the operator along the double characteristics enjoy a partial ellipticity property along a suitable subspace of the phase space, namely their singular space, we give a precise description of...
We investigate how the asymptotic eigenvalue behaviour of Hille-Tamarkin operators in Banach function spaces depends on the geometry of the spaces involved. It turns out that the relevant properties are cotype p and p-concavity. We prove some eigenvalue estimates for Hille-Tamarkin operators in general Banach function spaces which extend the classical results in Lebesgue spaces. We specialize our results to Lorentz, Orlicz and Zygmund spaces and give applications to Fourier analysis. We are also...
We consider elementary operators , acting on a unital Banach algebra, where and are separately commuting families of generalized scalar elements. We give an ascent estimate and a lower bound estimate for such an operator. Additionally, we give a weak variant of the Fuglede-Putnam theorem for an elementary operator with strongly commuting families and , i.e. (), where all and ( and ) commute. The main tool is an L¹ estimate of the Fourier transform of a certain class of functions...