Elementary Tauberian Theorems For Regular Linear Operators
We discuss boundedness and compactness properties of the embedding , where is the closed linear span of the monomials in and is a finite positive Borel measure on the interval . In particular, we introduce a class of “sublinear” measures and provide a rather complete solution of the embedding problem for the class of quasilacunary sequences . Finally, we show how one can recapture some of Al Alam’s results on boundedness and the essential norm of weighted composition operators from ...
The present paper is devoted to the study of the “quality” of the compactness of the trace operator. More precisely, we characterize the asymptotic behaviour of entropy numbers of the compact map , where Γ is a d-set with 0 < d < n and a weight of type near Γ with ϰ > -(n-d). There are parallel results for approximation numbers.
We determine the asymptotic behavior of the entropy numbers of diagonal operators D: lp → lq, (xk) → (skxk), 0 < p,q ≤ ∞, under mild regularity and decay conditions on the generating sequence (σk). Our results extend the known estimates for polynomial and logarithmic diagonals (σk). Moreover, we also consider some exotic intermediate examples like (σk)=exp(-√log k).