Subdifferentiability of Convex Functions with Values in an Ordered Vector Space.
Estudiamos la existencia de subespacios hiperinvariantes de operadores desplazamiento bilateral ponderados e invertibles definidos sobre un espacio de Hilbert con base ortogonal {en}, n perteneciendo a Z, por la expresión T en = wn en+1, donde las sucesiones {wn} y {w-n}, con n = 1, ..., ∞, son convergentes.
Two characterizations of the reductivity of a cyclic normal operator in Hilbert space are proved: the equality of the sets of cyclic and *-cyclic vectors, and the equality L²(μ) = P²(μ) for every measure μ equivalent to the scalar-valued spectral measure of the operator. A cyclic subnormal operator is reductive if and only if the first condition is satisfied. Several consequences are also presented.
Xia proves in [9] that a pure subnormal operator S is completely determined by its self-commutator C = S*S - SS*, restricted to the closure M of its range and the operator Λ = (S*|M)*. In [9], [10], [11] he constructs a model for S that involves this two operators and the so-called mosaic, which is a projection-valued function, analytic outside the spectrum of the minimal normal extension of S. He finds all pure subnormals S with rank C = 2. We will give a complete description of pairs of matrices...
This paper concerns pure subnormal operators with finite rank self-commutator, which we call subnormal operators of finite type. We analyze Xia's theory of these operators [21]-[23] and give its alternative exposition. Our exposition is based on the explicit use of a certain algebraic curve in C2, which we call the discriminant curve of a subnormal operator, and the approach of dual analytic similarity models of [26]. We give a complete structure result for subnormal operators of finite type, which...
For an unbounded operator S the question whether its subnormality can be built up from that of every , the restriction of S to a cyclic space generated by f in the domain of S, is analyzed. Though the question at large has been left open some partial results are presented and a possible way to prove it is suggested as well.
Let X be an arbitrary Abelian group and E a Banach space. We consider the difference-operators ∆n defined by induction:(∆f)(x;y) = f(x+y) - f(x), (∆nf)(x;y1,...,yn) = (∆n-1(∆f)(.;y1)) (x;y2,...,yn)(n = 2,3,4,..., ∆1=∆, x,yi belonging to X, i = 1,2,...,n; f: X --> E).Considering the difference equation (∆nf)(x;y1,y2,...,yn) = d(x;y1,y2,...,yn) with independent variable increments, the most general solution is given explicitly if d: X x Xn --> E is a given bounded function. Also the...
We study the superposition operator f on on the space ac 0 of sequences almost converging to zero. Conditions are derived for which f has a representation of the form f x = a+bx +g x, for all x ∈ ac 0 with a = f 0, b ∈ D(ac 0), g a superposition operator from ℓ∞ into I(ac 0), D(ac 0) = {z: zx ∈ ac 0 for all x ∈ ac 0}, and I(ac 0) the maximal ideal in ac 0. If f is generated by a function f of a real variable, then f is linear. We consider the conditions for which a bounded function f generates f...