Fixed point theorems of Rothe-type for Frum-Ketkov- and 1-set-contractions
In this paper we prove some fixed point theorems of the Banach and Krasnosel’skii type for mappings on the -tuple Cartesian product of a Banach algebra over . Using these theorems existence results for a system of integral equations of the Gripenberg’s type are proved. A sufficient condition for the nonexistence of blowing-up solutions of this system of integral equations is also proved.
In this paper some new fixed point theorems of Ky Fan, Leray-Schauder and Furi-Pera type are presented for closed multifunctions.
Some new fixed point results are established for mappings of the form with compact and pseudocontractive.
New fixed point results are presented for multivalued maps defined on subsets of a Fréchet space E. The proof relies on the notion of a pseudo open set, degree and index theory, and on viewing E as the projective limit of a sequence of Banach spaces.
We obtain necessary conditions for the existence of fixed point and approximate fixed point of nonexpansive and quasi nonexpansive maps defined on a compact convex subset of a uniformly convex complete metric space. We obtain results on best approximation as a fixed point in a strictly convex metric space.